Think municipalities are putting jobs in the industry at risk by saying no to wind power – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

A collective business community is worried about the future. Industry is in desperate need of electricity. But in the heavily industrialized Grenland area, there is no one who wants to contribute what the industry wants most. Because both the Conservative Party in Skien and the Labor Party in Porsgrunn have agreed to an ultimatum from the Industrial and Business Party in order to secure power. Which means that no new wind power projects will be investigated or built in the next four years. Swallowed camels In this way, Marius Roheim Aarvold (H) ensured that he secured the position of mayor in Skien. – For me, it was important to promise the citizens that we would bring about a political change. We will achieve that now, says Aarvold. Marius Roheim Aarvold (H), incoming mayor of Skien Photo: Lars Tore Endresen / news He has previously admitted that the compromise with INP was a defeat. – Just for wind power now, we had to swallow that camel, he says to news on Wednesday. The same thing happened in the neighboring municipality of Porsgrunn. Believes jobs may be lost This puts the entire industry investment at stake, believes LO leader Peggy Hessen Følsvik. – This is a region with large industrial plans. But both existing and potential industry will experience a setback if the INP gets approval for its policy in several places. This puts jobs in Vestfold and Telemark at risk, says Følsvik. LO leader Peggy Hessen Følsvik together with Ole Erik Almlid (left) and Terje Aasland (right) during a visit to Herøya industrial park in Porsgrunn. Photo: Theo Aasland Valen / news NHO director Ole Erik Almlid believes politicians all over Norway, and especially in industrial regions, need to think carefully. – If they close the opportunity for more power development, both industrial projects and new jobs can be lost. That’s how serious it is, he says. The need for power in Greenland is enormous. In the future, a threefold increase is expected, according to the Swedish Business Administration’s main organization. – The municipal councils have the final say on wind power. The most important thing now is that the politicians do not bind themselves to agreements for four years in the future on such an important issue, Almlid believes. Needs renewable energy The CEO of Yara shares the concern from the business world. – The industry has made huge reductions in emissions already. We are a world leader in technology. The next step is about electrification, says Svein Tore Holsether, CEO of Yara. Svein Tore Holsether, CEO of Yara. Photo: Guri Norstrøm / news Then companies need renewable energy. – And then I get very worried when what is perhaps Norway’s industrial capital, Grenland, moves towards the development of wind power. Believes the municipalities must take responsibility The Minister believes the municipalities must step in. – The municipalities that want to facilitate industrial and business development must take responsibility for ensuring that we get enough renewable power so that industry and business can invest, says Terje Aasland (Ap), Minister of Oil and Energy. His party colleague in Porsgrunn secured the mayoralty by meeting the INP on their demands. Incoming mayor Janicke Andreassen believes it was the right decision. – 70 percent of the voters in Porsgrunn voted for parties that said no to the impact assessment of wind power. This was the result, says Andreassen. The wind power opponents will produce power in a different way. – For example, gas power and nuclear power, which we at INP want to facilitate. But primarily it is hydropower that we want to optimise, says Tommy Ballestad, group leader for INP in Skien.
