Think chaining will solve the problem – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

The matter in summary Winterføre causes major problems for the buses in Rogaland, and it has been proposed to use chains as a solution. But the buses, especially the articulated buses, are not designed to withstand chains. All 74 articulated buses on Nord-Jæren were parked after several of them ran into problems due to slippery roads. The buses will almost certainly have to be replaced in order for it to be possible to drive with chains. Politicians in Rogaland suggest that the articulated buses should be parked when it is slippery, and that private buses can be hired to avoid insufficient capacity. The Stavanger area is not known for lots of snow and ice in winter. But it can happen, and once it gets slippery, it causes major problems in traffic. Monday was complete chaos. – It costs society a lot of money when these articulated buses are stuck and block the roads because they have zero access, says Leif Arne Moi Nilsen (Frp). Leif Arne Moi Nilsen (Frp). Photo: Rolv Christian Topdahl He sits on the transport committee in Rogaland, and says the articulated buses in traffic are doomed to fail when it is slippery. – They have rear-wheel drive. We have to stop this before accidents happen, he says. All the articulated buses were parked. There are 74 articulated buses in Nord-Jæren. All were parked on Monday morning after several of them reported problems. – It’s a bit of chaos. The buses are along the roads and there is no point in sending out other buses, says Stein Enersgård, traffic manager at Connect Bus, which operates the buses for Kolumbus. Enersgård says that it is quickly done that the articulated buses get a crack in the middle so that they do not come loose when it is slippery. Stein Enersgård is traffic manager at Connect Bus. Here he is standing in front of many parked buses. Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / news Moi Nilsen in the Frp wants chains on the buses when it is slippery. And on the steep sections, he does not want the articulated buses to run at all when the ice settles on the roads. – We will take this up. We have to get better security for these types of incidents, he says. Moi Nilsen adds that it doesn’t take that long to put chains on, and that in the past the buses always drove with chains in winter. – So it can’t be such a big measure we’re talking about?, he asks. Bus driver Andrei Portak is on trial for the third time on Monday morning. He finally got the help of a private person who towed him up the hill. In the morning the traffic on the Hafrsfjord bridge was completely quiet. Those who were going to get off at the next stop were let out on the bridge, and had to cross without a pedestrian crossing. This bus does not make it up Ullandhaugsbakken in Stavanger. Finally it had to back down and turn around. Photo: Simon Elias Bogen / news Complete standstill in traffic towards Jåttåvågen in Stavanger. Photo: Tips Car drove off the road in a roundabout at Ullandhaug in Stavanger. Photo: Tipser This bus is stuck at the intersection between Revheimsveien and Regimentveien in Stavanger. Chaos in Tastamyrveien in Stavanger. Queue due to a car stuck at the bottom of Eskelandsbakken at Tasta. This is the fourth bus that has stopped on the ground in a short time down to Amfi Madla in Stavanger. The bus blocks the entire road. Bus stands in the way at Gosen in Stavanger. Not possible with a chain But according to Kolumbus, the buses will probably have to be replaced in order for it to be possible to put on a chain. – There are chains inside all the buses, but it’s not like in the old days. Chains are now used to get free when the buses have become completely stuck, says communications advisor Morten Nesvik at Kolumbus. The difference is that the buses today have low floors and a different construction. And especially the articulated buses. – If you drive a bus with a chain, it will be extremely uncomfortable to be on board, says Nesvik. This bus tried to get up the hill at Gosen in Stavanger for almost 40 minutes. As the bus tried to free itself, it blocked a driveway. Photo: Simon Elias Bogen / news – The buses must stay in the garage Moi Nilsen in the FRP wonders why the county has bought buses that cannot be chained. – Then Kolumbus just has to stop running the articulated buses when it’s slippery. The buses must stay in the garage on the worst days, he says. And when the articulated buses are parked, he says it should be possible to hire private buses to avoid insufficient capacity. Several students had to walk to the University as many buses did not make it up a hill. Photo: Lill Kristin Harøy Fenstad / news Leader of the transport committee in Rogaland, Lasse Anfinsen Fredheim (H) agrees with Moi Nilsen (Frp) that the articulated buses must be parked when it is slippery. – Today has been an extreme day far beyond normal. Therefore, articulated buses were also parked at the start of the day, and alternative buses were used, he says. Leader of the Rogaland transport committee, Lasse Anfinsen Fredheim. He points out that there are very few days with ice and snow in Rogaland. Photo: ASTRID HAGLAND GJERDE – Assessments must be made Bente Gravdal (Ap) in the transport committee is also clear that assessments should be made. – The collective offer is important for people. When it becomes unpredictable, there are many consequential errors, she says. Furthermore, she reminds that chaining will probably not be a real measure due to the construction of the new buses. – We have to look at how to solve this and do it as best as possible, says Gravdal. Two articulated buses are stuck at Ullandhaug in Stavanger on Monday. Photo: Torkel Schibevaag / news Trouble for the trucks Tommy Stangeland is general manager of Stangeland Maskin. When the buses are standing, it creates major problems within heavy transport. – We have been queuing a lot and there are big delays, says Stangeland. Tommy Stangeland. General Manager at Stangeland Maskin. Photo: Odin Omland / news He says it’s very stupid that the buses don’t have chains – and that they can’t wear chains when it’s slippery. – But we are happy that there is not normally so much snow in Rogaland, he says.
