Thingnes Bø shot himself in the blast – big brother in second drama – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– It was really fun. I am super pleased. I wasn’t sure about the form, and thought it was bob bob today too. But then I managed to get all the flashes down. I heard that I was going against Sebbe, but managed to catch him on a wonderful last lap, says a cheerful Vebjørn Sørum to news after the race. From a late starting number, the 25-year-old surprised everyone. On the stand he delivered flawlessly and in the track it was lightning fast. On the last lap, Sørum increased vis-à-vis the day’s fastest on the cross-country course, Sebastian Samuelsson, and finally pushed the Swede off the podium. – He really is “on fire”! said an enthusiastic Jann Post in news’s ​​commentary booth. – What a race, then! shouted a slightly shocked Ola Lunde from the side. Roommate Endre Strømsheim was deeply impressed by Sørum. – It is completely raw. He is an animal on that sister round. It is absolutely insane, he says to news. German Philipp Nawrath took a superb victory, 18 seconds ahead of today’s best Norwegian, Tarjei Bø. Stryningen was very close to his first World Cup victory in almost three years, but has to wait a little longer before he can step on top of the podium again. Compared to Maskorama Wrapped in cold tape, the Norwegian biathletes compared themselves to Maskorama participants before Saturday’s icy sprint in Östersund. MASKORAMA: Who is hiding behind the tape? But it was neither the Sparrowhawk, the Tortoise nor the Ghost who stood on the starting line for Norway. In 17 blue degrees Celsius, Johannes Thingnes Bø had also packed heating bags with him, which he used to get some life in his fingers at the stand. Stryningen won six out of six possible sprints in the World Cup last season, and took WC gold at the same distance. In the first sprint of the season, Thingnes Bø sought to continue in the same superb style. But it didn’t go away in the track and on the stand he blew three barriers. The last time the Norwegian lost a sprint was in January 2022. Today he finished in 18th place. – You are somehow no better than what the results list shows. I have nothing to blame. I was too bad on the trail and on the stand. One quickly destroys the other as well. A bit of a vicious circle, says Thingnes Bø to news. TROUBLE: Johannes Thingnes Bø had problems at the stand, where he missed three barriers in total. Photo: NTB Trembling at the stand The cold was noticeable for several of the Norwegians, including Vetle Sjåstad Christiansen. On standing shooting, he remained standing for just over one minute and six seconds, trembling in his stance. Still, he managed to shoot full. – It is incredibly impressive. He stands for over a minute. I’m not sure if it’s worth it, but the achievement is enormous, was the laudatory verdict from news’s ​​expert Synnøve Solemdal. In comparison, Simon Eder spent 22.1 seconds and Martin Ponsiluoma 22.5 seconds in the same shooting. Watch the series here: I believe in a terrific start to the chase In the goal area, Tarjei Bø stood excitedly waiting to see if he could finally celebrate a victory. Today he was at least the best Bø brother of the day. – It’s always nice, but it would have been cooler if I beat him by one second. I don’t want him to be a minute and a half behind. He will come back strong, he promises. Bø believes in recovery for little brother by the start of Sunday’s hunt. – He is probably already back at the hotel if I know him correctly. I think he’ll be a rocket tomorrow. We’re rooting for him, and he’s the one we see as the best in the team, so he’ll be back quickly, he says. The men’s hunt starts at 16 Sunday. The women are in action earlier in the day. They start at 14. You can watch the races on news.
