– They laugh a little at the police and at our entire justice system – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Now the Conservative Party wants a fast track for the imprisonment of young offenders as one of several measures. Several episodes of violence with young perpetrators and young victims have characterized Oslo in the past year. The police have told about youth gangs that dominate neighborhoods with threats and violence. – You must face the reaction more quickly, that there must be a clearer punishment and that you must be able to make up for yourself at an earlier time, says Conservative Party leader Erna Solberg. She meets news outside the Greenland police station together with the Conservative Party’s mayoral candidate in Oslo. – It is a challenge when young people have committed so many offenses before they get a reaction that they actually laugh a bit at the police and at our entire justice system, says Solberg. – What do you think is needed? – We believe that, among other things, a fast track is needed for young offenders, which means that they get a reaction much faster. We now have experience with this youth scheme that has lasted so far. It seems too late, says Solberg. Youth punishment was introduced in Norway on 1 July 2014 and was supposed to replace prison for offenders under the age of 18 in practice. The threshold for imprisoning young offenders must be high. – What should the reaction consist of? It can be anything from community punishment to conflict resolution solutions, depending on what you have done and what it is, to of course for the most serious criminal activities, it also means that you can get a prison sentence and we must also expand that capacity, says the leader of the Conservative Party, Conservative Party this autumn, a proposal in the Storting on: Establishing a fast track for the imprisonment of young offenders Further developing the penal response to youth punishment and youth follow-up More visible police in the streets. Thinks Erna should read Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp) Photo: Terje Haugnes / news On 13 October, the government sent out a proposal to toughen the punishment for juveniles for consultation. Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp) thinks the Conservative leader seems a little uninformed. – It doesn’t sound like she got it. I recommend her to read it, says Mehl. – And I think it is a bit special that it is Erna Solberg who has removed the community police from the local community who now want more visible police. I am very happy about the support for the government coming forward with a plan about it, she continues. Know who the Conservative Party’s mayoral candidate in Oslo is also a former children’s ombudsman. – We know which children and young people are in the risk zone, says Anne Lindboe. – What do you think will happen if measures are not taken now? – Then we risk that there will be a further increase in children and young people in conflict with the law. And it is very serious for the children and young people concerned. It is also very serious for the children and young people who are exposed to this crime. Therefore, we must take this seriously. In the Conservative Party’s action plan against youth crime, there are also soft measures such as more summer jobs, better access to leisure activities and focus on completion of upper secondary school. Several arrested when a neo-Nazi group demonstrated in Oslo.
