– They have been very quiet – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

In the build-up to the championship, Croatia has kept most things hidden from the outside world. When they played their final warm-up matches against Slovenia, it happened behind closed doors. – It is a very tough team. We know something about them, but we know little about them from the last month, says Norway’s national team coach Thorir Hergeirsson to news and other Norwegian media in the hours before the start of the match. He refers both to the matches against Slovenia and from the meeting in September, where little information has been received. – We have received some verbal information because the games were closed, he says. Prepared for surprises – The players know the players. They play together crosswise, so there is always some information to be gained. But we don’t have proper analysis images and video since this spring, continues the national team manager. SURPRISED: The Croatian handball girls surprised big in 2020 and took EC bronze after they beat Denmark in the bronze final. Photo: Bo Amstrup / AP Although they also know the players and national team coach Nenad Šoštarić, they are prepared that there may be unexpected moments in Friday’s match. – We know quite a bit about what they have done in recent years. We take that as a starting point, and then things may appear that they have been up to lately that we have not seen or are aware of. Then we have to learn quickly and deal with them there and then, says Hergeirsson. – It is common. One of those who has tried to get some information out of the Croats is Ragnhild Valle Dahl. On a daily basis, she plays together with Croatian linebacker Ana Debelic in Vipers. – They have been very quiet. They have not wanted to show any of the more recent matches they have played. Debelic is clever, I haven’t gotten much information out of her, Valle Dahl tells news. CROAT ON NORWEGIAN SOIL: Ana Debelic (right) knows several of the Norwegian players well from playing in Vipers. Here together with Vipers and Norway goalkeeper Katrine Lunde. Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB Media representative for the Croatian handball association, Drago Cosic, tells news that the Croatians have no intention of being secretive. – There were closed training matches, and that is normal. There were friendly matches against Slovenia during the preparation period for the EC. These are not official matches, so there is no secrecy here, says Cosic. – It is somewhat typical Balkan style to be secretive before the championship. They want to keep things to themselves. We actually mostly have older matches to watch. We must be ready, says Valle Dahl. – Knows the culture Croatia played its way to a surprising bronze medal in the EC two years ago. Stine Bredal Oftedal has also noticed that they have seen little of the Croatian national team recently. – If they get a wave of energy like two years ago, they will be tough to beat. They have many players who play in the Champions League, and they have a lot of experience. It will be exciting, she says. LEADER NORWAY: Captain Stine Bredal Oftedal. Photo: Beate Oma Dahle / NTB Goalkeeper Katrine Lunde sees the lack of video material from the Croatians as something positive: – You know their culture and we know the players from Europe. I think we just have to put together what we have and we can have a bit more focus on ourselves like we have had lately. I think that might be an advantage for us. The match between Norway and Croatia can be watched on news Sport from 20:15.
