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A month after Jonas Aarseth Henriksen (30) was killed at a cabin in Nes in Ådal, the police announced a breakthrough in the case. A man in his late 20s was arrested on Thursday and charged with the murder and he was remanded in custody for four weeks on Friday. He denies any involvement in the case. Here is some of what we now know – and don’t know – about the case: THE ACCUSED The man who has been arrested is in his late 20s and lives in Innlandet county. He has been convicted several times, including for violence against a public official on two occasions. Last year he was also sentenced to 24 days in prison for threatening a police officer and his family. The man has also been convicted of driving under the influence of drugs, breach of the Weapons Act and theft. The judgments are from various district courts. The police have had several people in for questioning during the investigation, but the accused is not among them. His defenders say on Friday that the man does not want to explain himself in questioning, because he does not trust the police. PLACE OF ARREST The accused was arrested in Innlandet, and the police cordoned off a large area around a residence in Rena on Thursday afternoon. On Friday morning, the airspace around the accused’s home was closed and forensics technicians were still working in the area. The police confirm that they have seized a car from Rena, which has been taken away for technical examinations. THE EVIDENCE The police have so far not wanted to say anything about what they believe links the accused to the murder. Drone images from the scene show that two pieces of planks have been removed from the cabin. According to what news has been informed, it is the police who have taken these with them for investigations. The police have stated that they have made several seizures, but do not want to comment on what they are talking about. Forensic technicians have probably gone through things such as wheel tracks, footprints and biological material from the crime scene area, but it is not known whether it is such things, computer or video tracks or witness interviews that have pointed them in the direction of the accused. THE RELATIONSHIP It is unclear what kind of relationship there may be between the accused and the deceased. news has spoken to several of Jonas Aarseth Henriksen’s friends, and the name of the accused is not known to them. The police also do not want to say anything about the relationship between the two. THE LOCATION Hytta Henriksen was found murdered in a remote area by Vestre Bjonevatnet, five miles north of Hønefoss. There is dense forest there, and it is almost impossible to see into the cabin from the road below. This is not a cabin the 30-year-old owned and it is unknown what he did there. A police theory is that he may have been tricked into the discovery site, either through a fake job assignment or in some other way. The deceased was found in his own car, which was halfway down the ditch in the road by the cottage. Jonas Aarseth Henriksen was found dead in a car close to this cabin in Nes in Ådal. Photo: Håkon Benjaminsen / news THREATS In addition to technical examinations of the fittings at the cabin and in the surrounding forest area, the police have investigated several incidents in the run-up to the murder. Jonas Aarseth Henriksen has previously told about a number of cases of vandalism against cars he owns and vehicles owned by friends. This video, which became known to the public on Thursday, shows a person vandalizing a car belonging to a person in Jonas’ circle of friends. It is not known if the man in the video is the person now charged with the murder. The deceased has told about the vandalism on Facebook and is said to have also been assaulted by two men one morning, which led to him ending up in hospital. As a result of the threats, Henriksen would not tell where he lived, not even to friends. He had surveillance cameras outside the apartment. It is unknown whether the accused had anything to do with the threats. Tip news’s ​​crime group: Do you have information about this case or other crime cases? Contact news’s ​​crime group. You can tip us off by e-mail or through news’s ​​encrypted notification service. Here you can tip us anonymously. We also treat all tips confidentially, in line with the Vær varsom poster’s rules on source protection.
