These are the new detectives in Maskorama – news Culture and entertainment

The fourth season of Maskorama is just around the corner, and that means glitter, glam, new masks – and not least a brand new trio of detectives. Marion Ravn still stands firm in her role as the panel’s Maskorama queen, but now she gets Robert Stoltenberg and Tete Lidbom on the team. – I am very happy with these guys. We complement each other in a good way, says Ravn, who enters the new season with good confidence. Marion Ravn enters her fourth season as a detective on the Maskorama panel. – I have much more experience in this game than the other detectives, so that’s probably an advantage for me, she says. news meets the new trio during the preparations for Maskorama, which premieres on 11 November. The detectives are ready. At least they have coats, hats and magnifying glasses. Reading up in Se og Hør For comedian and actor Robert Stoltenberg, it is a completely new role he will now step into. – Maskorama is a really cool program that brings the whole family together, regardless of which social group you belong to. Stoltenberg is well on his way to orienting himself in the celebrity landscape. And he does it in his own way. Robert Stoltenberg is ready for Maskorama. – I bought Se og Hør at the store the other day. I found out that there are many famous people in this little Norway inside the barn. I’m almost shocked. – So I try to note down new names on a block, so I have a database, he explains. Will use a special ability Many may think that Stoltenberg is a fool who is only concerned with comedy programmes, but the comedian can confirm otherwise. – It doesn’t just happen in comedy programmes. I like to follow political debates, in Politisk kvarter and on Dagsnytt 18, so I think that my community involvement can be a strength when we have to solve the riddles in Maskorama. This is what Stoltenberg says right after he has been in the studio and demonstrated his detective running style in front of a “green wall”. He wants to take the detective role seriously, and will use his acting experience to study body language. – I have played many roles with different voices and dialects, so I think I can probably reveal someone by studying such things. But there is one ability in particular that he hopes can help reveal which celebrities are hiding behind the masks. – I myself believe that I am equipped with some supernatural abilities, and can feel the presence of people. – There’s a little Lilli Bendriss living in me, and I’m going to use that for all it’s worth, Stoltenberg can reveal. Recognizing singing voices and footballers When P3morgen’s presenter Tete Lidbom was asked to be part of the detective panel, he was very excited. – This is the dream job I didn’t know was a dream. After all, it is a game in which “the whole” of Norway participates, so being allowed to take part in this from the panel chair is really fun. As a great sports enthusiast and skilled musicologist, there is no doubt what is Lidbom’s strongest card as a detective. – I can recognize a football player by the way he runs. So I will study both walking, movements, rhythm and that sort of thing when the masks are in action. That will probably be my superpower, I think. The presenter also believes that he will recognize singing voices. – I meet celebrities that young people are interested in every day on “P3morgen”, so I should keep a good eye on them, he believes. Tete Lidbom hopes that artists in the hip-hop and RnB genre will appear in Maskorama. Kjetil Rekdal or Bjarne Brøndbo? So how will Lidbom play the best detective in himself? Yes, he has that figured out. – I am driving my usual style in life: I am going to go all in and aim high. Lidbom has a few favorites that he hopes will emerge when the masks come off. – If Bjarne Brøndbo is inside a mask there, and he manages to distort his voice beyond recognition – then I will be impressed. The football enthusiast in him also can’t stop dreaming about former footballers. – Can you imagine Kjetil Rekdal? Or John Carew? It had become too much. – Or what about former politicians like Kristin Halvorsen? She feels like everyone knows who she is, but where has she been? It would also have been big.
