These are the loose ends – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

With the assistance of Kripos, the South-East police district is working hard to solve the mysterious murder of 30-year-old Jonas Henriksen. These are among the questions that remain: Where was Henriksen killed? Jonas Henriksen was found in his own car which was halfway in the ditch on a forest road in Ringerike, according to the true crime podcast “Interviewed”. news has confirmed that the 30-year-old was found dead in a car. But the police are open about the fact that they do not have a secure crime scene. – The question of why he was there is very essential for us, says police attorney Tine Henriksen to news. – How important is it to conclude where he was killed? – Getting a map of where the central crime scene is is of course important for the investigation, says Henriksen. – We are starting to form a clearer picture of it, but we have not reached a conclusion, she adds. Looking for killers along this route The police are still very interested in tips from people who have been in the area around the scene of the discovery or driven on one of the many small or large roads around the crime scene. BEEN HERE? Tap the arrow in the bottom right corner to explore the map. The police want information and observations of people or vehicles on the marked roads around the murder. The police are also asking cabin owners in the area east of Vestre Bjonevatnet (marked in yellow) to investigate whether there may have been unauthorized persons in the cabin. The police have also repeatedly asked that people with dashboard cameras get in touch if they filmed while driving in the days before the murder. The traffic cameras of the National Road Administration at Hallingby in Ringerike may have caught interesting clues. But recordings from these are not saved. Photo: Anders Haualand / news On the stretches in which the police are interested, there are data points that count all traffic and the vehicle’s length, and automatic traffic controls that measure the speed over ten kilometres. They take pictures of all cars, but the distance measurements must immediately delete the pictures of everyone who has driven legally. There is also a road camera that continuously takes pictures of the traffic and sends them out on the Norwegian Road Administration’s pages and app. Video recordings from these web cameras must not be saved. – A lot of material has been collected from video from toll stations and the like. To what extent can the perpetrator be in the material you are sitting on now? – I cannot speculate on that. Our starting point is that no one has been arrested in the case. We believe it is absolutely necessary to work on the basis of several hypotheses. Again, it is important not to go into too much detail in the matter. Charting the 30-year-old’s circle of friends 50,000 followed “TruckJonas” on TikTok, and friends say he had a large circle of friends. The police are now mapping out who he had contact with. – Do you have a theory that the perpetrator or persons knew the victim? – It is a possible hypothesis, which we are trying to map. It is about getting an overview of the deceased’s life, who he was in contact with, who he knew. It is important for us to get an overview of this, says the police attorney. The police have conducted over 60 witness interviews and have received 250 tips since Henriksen was found murdered. – A number of the tips can be very interesting. Time-critical tracks news has confirmed that Henriksen was found dead in a car outside a cabin in the forest. At a crime scene that is outdoors, biological traces and surface traces can be destroyed quickly by wind and weather. Indoors, you can proceed more systematically, but in a wooded area where you do not know the access route and the escape route, you have a much larger area to go through. The police are carrying out investigations at the cabin where Henriksen was found. Photo: Sverre Holm-Nilsen / news Wheel tracks, footprints and biological material can be lost in a downpour. The police are also under a certain amount of pressure to secure electronic traces. The routines for storing and deleting video surveillance may vary from company to company. Witnesses can be influenced In the same way that biological traces can be destroyed, it is important for the police to interview witnesses who may have valuable information as soon as possible. People forget quickly and may also find that memories change as time goes by. At the same time as great media attention can lead to more people contacting the police with information, it can also color witnesses’ memories. In the end, this can again lead the investigation astray. Therefore, in the initial phase, the police often choose to keep their cards close to their chest and control the flow of information to prevent witnesses from being influenced. – From the police’s side, we believe it could be detrimental to the investigation if various details become public, says the police attorney. Comprehensive analyzes In the initial phase of the investigation, the police often go broad and keep all possibilities open. Gradually, the police form several possible hypotheses about what may have happened. Some hypotheses are eventually discarded, new ones are added and old hypotheses can be strengthened. While trying to have a breadth in the investigation, one also tries to avoid making too many hypotheses. This is where police analysts come into the picture. The hypotheses are fed into computer systems that can give a clue as to whether the hypothesis has something to do with it, or whether more information needs to be collected. – We believe this is a demanding case and we must take into account that the investigation will take time. We have deployed large resources from the entire South-Eastern police district and receive assistance from Kripos, says police attorney Henriksen. Base stations can provide answers The telecom operators’ base stations can help determine who has moved in, in and out of the area during the time the police believe the murder may have occurred. The search job will naturally be less in a sparsely forested area than in a city. The police can request information on which phones have been within the geographically defined area. At the same time, one must check whether the base station covers the area it is intended to cover, or whether it covers a larger area. Only then can you be sure where the phone has been. Previous cases Jonas Aarseth Henriksen feared for his own safety due to a number of incidents against him. Several of his cars are set on fire, he has said that he was assaulted and beaten up by two strange men. On the surveillance cameras around his apartment, he has observed strange men snooping around or throwing objects at the building. The police have cordoned off the premises of Henriksen’s company. Photo: Sverre Holm-Nilsen / news In the weeks before the murder, “Tyster Jonas” was also tagged in several places in Ringerike. – When it comes to previous cases where the deceased has been offended, a thorough job is done against them. We are now carrying out more investigations to shed more light on these matters. We spend a lot of resources on this, says police attorney Tine Henriksen to news.
