These are the government’s three most important measures for the elderly – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The reform will contribute to a more age-friendly society, the government states. – More elderly people should be able to live active lives longer and experience security in their own home, and then those who cannot live at home should also have safe, good and dignified lives, says Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap). The reason for the report is that by 2040, Norway will have almost a quarter of a million more inhabitants over the age of 80. That is a doubling compared to today. The three most important measures, according to the government, are: Program for an age-friendly Norway, which will create more social meeting places, age-friendly transport, age-friendly volunteering and planning for a better old age. The elderly housing programme, which will contribute to both adaptations in the elderly’s homes so that they can live at home for longer and to the construction of care homes, safe housing and places in nursing homes. The new home service, which will help the elderly to meet few and permanent employees, better basic staffing and fewer temporary workers. The dementia choir sang during the government’s presentation of the Storting report on the elderly. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB The report was presented in the nursing home and housing community in Dronning Ingrid’s garden in Oslo, which will help people with dementia, where they have the opportunity to go to a workshop and café. There are 130 sheltered places there. Four focus areas Health Minister Ingvild Kjerkol (Ap) says the reform has four focus areas: Vibrant local communities that safeguard activity and community Adapted housing options, and the opportunity to live safely in your own home for longer Competent staff Security for users and support for relatives – We want to contribute to a age-friendly society. It is much more than health. The whole of society has a responsibility, says Kjerkol. The government will rethink living arrangements. The reform is broad and cuts across several sectors, according to the Minister of Health. – Today’s healthcare system is important, but cultural life, volunteering, the transport sector and the municipalities also have important tasks, she believes. Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) presented the government’s new elderly reform together with Ingvild Kjerkol (Ap) and Sigbjørn Gjelsvik (Sp) on Friday. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB Dissatisfied opposition FRP’s health policy spokesperson Bård Hoksrud believes the government is failing elderly people in need of care when the main focus of the elderly reform is on those who can live at home. – Arrangements must be made for the elderly to have the opportunity to live at home as long as they can, but the government acknowledges that almost everyone who develops dementia will at some point need a nursing home or care home with round-the-clock care, says Hoksrud. Nor is KrF leader Olaug Bollestad enthusiastic. She believes the government suffers from “investigation sickness, and that they waste money on investigations.” – We know how important activity is for our elderly. The backbone of good care for the elderly is probably professionals. It will be extremely important regardless of where you live, but the government’s trust reform will not provide more professionals in itself, says Bollestad Høyre’s senior policy spokesperson Erlend Svardal Bøe. The government has wrapped up several old proposals and presented them as new. – I was completely speechless when I heard that safe housing for the elderly is “an important and completely new move”. This is what the Conservative Party proposed in the state budget for 2022. The first thing the Labor Party did when they came into government was to cut it, says Bøe. He adds that the Conservative Party thinks it is good that the government continues the work to create a more age-friendly society, which the Conservative Party initiated in government. Storting representative Stine Westrum from Rødt is happy that the government is prioritizing the elderly. She says the proposal means that the government will create a more age-friendly Norway. – At the same time, we are very concerned when Kjerkol states that the elderly must take responsibility for and plan for their own old age. It is our responsibility as a welfare state to ensure that the elderly have a dignified and safe old age, says Westrum. She is also calling for more professionals per patient, not fewer, as she believes the government is signaling will be in the future. Must strengthen the districts Local Government and District Minister Sigbjørn Gjelsvik (Sp) says efforts in the districts must now be increased: – We must strengthen the efforts in the municipalities to meet the changes in society with more elderly people. We have a challenge with a lack of suitable housing for the elderly, particularly in rural areas. Therefore, the government wants an active housing policy that encourages older people to have access to suitable housing and to be included and allowed to participate in the local environment, says Gjelsvik. Employees say they break the law at work and relatives fear gross negligence. How is it in Norwegian nursing homes?
