Therefore, the NSM case is serious – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Since it became known that the National Insurance Agency (NSM) took out an unconstitutional loan, the case has naturally received a lot of attention. The government has to go through the loan agreement, because much is still unclear. But here is some of what I know so far. What has NSM done? In 2022, NSM wishes to rent a new premises in Fornebu that Norwegian Property owns. The Ministry of Local Government receives a draft of the lease agreement. To the Ministry of Justice, NSM promises that one-off costs such as furniture must be within the budget. The lease agreement between NSM and Norwegian Property will be signed in June 2022. The ministries claim that they do not know everything in this agreement. It is the agreement for the lease of these premises at Fornebu that is at the heart of the dispute in the NSM case. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB In July 2022, NSM signs a loan agreement with Norwegian Property of NOK 100 million. In September 2023, the loan will be expanded to NOK 200 million. According to the ministries, all this happened without their knowledge. Only in November 2023 will the ministries have been clear about the loan agreement. Last week, Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp) informed about the illegal loan. Former director Sofie Nystrøm was forced to resign as director. For its part, NSM said that the Ministry of Justice was aware of the loan and that such loans have been common for a long time. Why was it wrong? In short, a public body is not allowed to take out loans in the private market. Only the Storting can give money to state enterprises. At the same time, the loan did not appear in the annual accounts that NSM submitted to the National Audit Office. The National Audit Office says they were also not informed about the loan, which NSM is obliged to do. NSM hits back at the National Audit Office and says that they have not omitted information. What were they going to spend the money on? The money was intended for renovation, new furniture, PCs, IT system and several insurance measures. Why can the issue be seriously political? Several are now demanding that the Minister of Justice must explain himself to the Storting. Mehl says she did not know about the loan, while NSM claims the opposite. But the ministry received some information about the lease agreement. The FRP wants Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp) to come to the Storting and explain the illegal loan to NSM. Photo: Hanna Johre / news Among other things, they were told that the landlord should pay for expenses that were to be paid over the rental period. On the other hand, the ministry understood that the amount should be paid back into the rent, instead of it being a loan. How can it be cleaned up? The government has asked the Storting to approve that the 200 million be taken from the oil fund to pay back the loan. The majority in the Storting is in favor, but lawyers that news has spoken to suggest instead freezing the loan until the situation is more clarified. The Minister of Justice has announced a review of the case and has instructed NSM to stop all payments to the loan agreement. The investigative committee will also consider the tenancy agreements for NSM going back ten years.
