There will be a sequel to the Netflix hit “Troll”, confirms director Roar Uthaug – news Culture and entertainment

Read the English version here. “Troll” has over 100 million views since its premiere, according to Netflix. The Norwegian film is the most watched non-English language film on the streaming service ever. For director Roar Uthaug, the response has been overwhelming. Now he will take the story further in “Troll 2”. A big adventure on a Norwegian scale – What is really fun to see is that we can make a small, in an international context, Norwegian film, which can reach out so widely. Director Roar Uthaug reveals that he is going to new places in Norway to record a sequel to the Netflix success. Photo: Ksenia Novikova / news It was not a given that “Troll 2” would become a reality before Netflix gave the green light, but: – I think we all had a lot of fun making the first film, and everyone wanted to continue with it the adventure. Together with screenwriter Espen Aukan from the first film, they are now working closely together on the story further. – I can’t give too much away, but it will be based on both Norwegian folklore and fairy tales, and also Norwegian history, says Uthaug. Now he and the team behind are looking at casting and recording locations. In the first film, we got to see, among other things, Dovrefjell, Hunderfossen and the center of Oslo in ruins. – I don’t want to reveal too much yet, but we are probably going to some other places in the country as well. Fascinated by sequels Film history is filled with sequels, both successes and major failures. – Some of my biggest favorite films are sequels, says Uthaug. He mentions titles such as “Terminator 2” and “Aliens”, both of which are films known to have surpassed their original films. Therefore, he is quite content to continue the adventure of “Troll”. An action-packed scene from the first film. Photo: Jallo Faber / Netflix © 2022 The idea for a sequel already came while the first film was in the editing room. In the scrolling text, it is hinted that something new is on the way, in a small scene from Dovrefjell. But according to Uthaug, it was not necessarily a hint for film number two. – In a way, it is a bit part of the genre to hint that there will be a bit more. The sequel has already been in demand in several international film magazines. A fake trailer also appeared online several months ago. The controversy surrounding Amanda One of the big issues towards the end of the summer was that the film “Troll”, despite millions of viewers, was never nominated for the industry award Amanda. This is because the committee requires that the films have been shown in cinemas, while Uthaug’s film went straight to a streaming service. He calls it old-fashioned. – I think it’s sad for those who have worked hard both in front of and behind the camera. The fact that they do not get the same recognition as those who do the same job on a cinema film is a shame. Uthaug thinks it’s a shame that streaming films can’t be nominated. Photo: Ksenia Novikova / news The sequel is also scheduled to go straight to Netflix. Tonje Hardersen, head of the Amanda committee, confirms to news that they are discussing possible changes to the award. One of the points being considered is to introduce a separate category for streaming films. – Will we see a new troll, more trolls…? Uthaug is tight-lipped and will reveal few details about where the sequel takes the story further. But the conspiracy from the first film, where, among other things, parts of the state and the royal house have kept the troll’s existence hidden from the general public, may resurface. There may not have been much discussion about trolls’ existence, but it is certain that they have been central to Norwegian fairy tales. Photo: Netflix Uthaug says that he has also received e-mails from people who believe that giants once roamed the Norwegian countryside. Giants who have now turned to stone. – They have thanked me for someone finally telling the truth, he says with a laugh. Uthaug can only reveal a small detail: – The only thing I can do is to quote a character in the first film: “There is someone who has always known.” From the Netflix press release Netflix confirms sequel to “Troll” and Roar Uthaug returns with a new epic troll adventure. “Troll 2” will reunite the creative team behind the first film, internationally renowned director Roar Uthaug, screenwriter Espen Aukan and producers Espen Horn and Kristian Strand Sinkerud at Motion Blur. Production of the sequel starts in 2024. CHANGE LOG: 19.09.23 at 19:31. After the case was published, we have changed 100 million people to 100 million plays.
