There will be a new season of “Heart to heart” – news Culture and entertainment

The series “Hjerte til hjerte” with comedian Linn Skåber in the lead, was a smash hit when the first season came out in 2007. The second season came out in 2010. And now it’s ready for a third reunion with Linn Skåber playing herself. – I am looking forward to making a new season of “Hjerte til hjerte”. I can hardly wait to get started and bring the character Linn to life. I have spoken to him. She is still the same limitless, optimistic and tenacious Linn, says Linn Skåber. In season two of “Hjerte til hjerte”, Skåber gets a role in the Marriage Game. Here together with Jon Øigarden, Gard B. Eidsvold and Janne Formoe. Photo: Anne Liv Ekroll / Anne Liv Ekroll, news Many have requested a new season In both seasons, Linn Skåber uses herself as the main character, and we get to know a somewhat more self-absorbed and aspiring person who is willing to do everything to win. notice. This genre, where the actor plays a worse version of himself in a documentary format, was new in Norway when it was released. And became very popular. – Many people have contacted and asked if we couldn’t make a new season, but it hasn’t felt right before. But now we have an idea that fits well with the times and that we believe in. I think the world is ready for a new round of “Heart to heart”, adds Skåber. Linn Skåber and Gørild Mauseth sing at a funeral in season two. Photo: Anne Liv Ekroll / Anne Liv Ekroll, news This can also be confirmed by Christina Rezk Resar, editor-in-chief at news Entertainment. – “Hjerte til hjerte” has had such incredibly nice fans and cheerleaders all the way, and we have been asked many times to make a new season. It is therefore pleasant to say that we have now found a new idea that makes it worth creating a new season, she says. Resar does not want to reveal what we can expect from the next season, but: – We have brought in the same scriptwriters and director as the previous two, and I can promise that it will be in line with the small and pillow-like TV that characterizes the series, she adds. Embarrassed by itself In autumn 2022, news entered into an archive agreement, which led to, among other things, “Hjerte til hjerte” can now be seen on news TV. In this connection, Linn Skåber was asked what she thought was most embarrassing about the recording of the series. See the answer in the video below: Linn Skåber looks back at a scene in “Hjerte til hjerte” where she tries to kiss soccer goalkeeper Erik Thorstvedt.
