– There must be room whether you ski, cycle or walk – news Troms and Finnmark

Please scroll to the bottom of this case. Here you can have your say and participate in the discussion! Was everything better before or have we become kinder to each other on the ski slopes over the years? Helene Sørby and Lucie Jurenova have chosen to take advantage of a nice weather day in Tromsø with a trip around Prestvannet on the top of the island. Also included is Sørby’s dog Maya. – As a rule, people are very nice, but there are some who behave as if others are in the way, says Sørby. She says that she has experienced people getting annoyed that she is with Maya or that someone chooses to walk instead of skiing. – But there are very few who behave like that. I associate skiing with meeting nice people, fresh air and a good experience, says Sørby. Helene Sørby says that someone in the ski track gets annoyed that she has her dog Maya with her. Photo: Aurora Berg / news Walking every day, wider and harder Henrik Romsaas is outdoor advisor in Tromsø municipality. His job is to ensure that we have good experiences on the ski slopes. – We will make arrangements for Erik Valnes and Anna Svendsen who aim for the top and all those who just think it’s fantastic to be able to either ski or cycle to work, or just take a walk in the field. The outdoor advisor knows that a few years ago there were major conflicts on the ski slopes in Tromsø. People disagreed about who should be able to travel on the ski slopes. – Much of my job has actually been to tell people that they must lower their shoulders, send a smile and be happy that others are using the trail, says Romsaas. Photo: Private – Those who used this as a hiking route in the summer were suddenly surprised that there was snow on the trail. – Those who went skiing naturally then felt that the arrangements that had been made for them were threatened, and it was destroyed and then something had to be done. Romsaas believes that things have improved. One of the reasons may be that they hit the slopes every day, regardless of whether it is snowing or not. Now he believes that there should be space whether you ski, cycle or walk. – The time when people only went skiing in the outback areas is over. Many go on snowshoes, cycle on fat bikes and many also want to walk, and then we have to make arrangements for that. Is it okay to go skiing? You have to ski on the ski slopes. Walking can be done somewhere else. It must be allowed to go for a walk, even if a ski slope has been made. Show result Few skates – little conflict Pål Anders Ullevålseter is a tour host and world-renowned motorcyclist. He grew up in Nordmarka, in the middle of the capital’s most densely populated trail network. Ullevålseter says that he feels that there is very little conflict on the ski slopes there. One reason may be that few skiers skate on the slopes. – If there is a lot of skating, it goes faster and people go wider. There is usually only one track each way, and it actually goes quite quietly. Pål Anders Ullevålseter experiences little conflict in the ski slopes around Ullevålseter. Photo: Birgitte Wold Ingebretsen – Smile, don’t be annoyed Romsaas in Tromsø is concerned that conflicts, which can arise where there are people, should be resolved in a pleasant way. He doesn’t want you to use either your middle finger or your index finger, but rather your thumb, and give those you meet a thumbs up. – I wish we could look at the others who used the trail with a smile, instead of being annoyed. – We just have to meet those who use the ski slopes with a smile and say: it’s good that you’re out, it’s good that you’re not lying on the sofa, this is good for you, this is good for the city, says Romsaas. Photo: Marita Andersen / news The outdoor advisor is also a ski coach for children. He explains to the children that they must not be annoyed if someone stands in the middle of the track. It can be a small advantage, he believes. – Let it be a test of going into the field. Let it be a small obstacle that makes you a better skier, says Romssas with a smile. Here you can have your say and participate in the discussion! Was everything better before or have we become kinder to each other on the ski slopes over the years? Hello! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue
