There may be more corona infections in the future – news Buskerud – Local news, TV and radio

It is 1595 days since Norway closed down. It has been 1,034 days since the country reopened. But the corona is not gone, on the contrary, there has been an increase this summer. Hilde Kløvstad, Institute of Public Health Photo: Lilja Westerlund / FHI The Institute of Public Health (FHI) says there may be a further increase in infections in the future. – The incidence is still relatively low, but the trend has been increasing over several weeks, something we have also seen in previous summers. We also cannot rule out more increases in the next few weeks, says Hilde Kløvstad, acting director of infection control and vaccination at FHI. FHI does not have specific figures on how big the increase has been. Many viruses in circulation There are no longer so many people who test themselves, but those who come to hospital are tested. And that is where the health authorities see more cases being registered. – There are many respiratory viruses in circulation now, and then there has been a small wave of corona in the early summer and the last few weeks, figures from hospitals and national registers show, says Einar Sagberg, infection control specialist in Drammen municipality. He says that the coronavirus has not yet adapted to a seasonal rhythm, as, for example, the influenza virus has. – Therefore, we expect that there will be small waves at slightly different times than we are used to. That is probably what we are seeing now. Drammen municipality’s chief infectious disease doctor, Einar Sagberg, says healthy people can live as normal. Photo: Christine Breivik Øen / news Viruses on the hunt for summer Many people live a little differently in the summer than the rest of the year, without the fixed routines. Despite the increase in infections, Sagberg believes that there is no reason for people to be concerned. – Planes, trains and places where many people sit or stand close together are places where the virus spreads a little more easily. But if you are healthy, we have no general advice for the public, says the infection control supervisor. – If you are abroad and get sick, what should you do? – As long as you experience it as a common cold, you handle it with some pain relief, calm down and perhaps seek shade if it is somewhere very hot. If you start to feel seriously unwell, you must contact the healthcare system where you are. Protecting the vulnerable Sagberg is most concerned with how people behave in the first few days, whether it is corona or another viral infection. – The first few days, when we have plenty of symptoms and feel a bit bad, we should stay away from people we know are vulnerable. It is then the youngest, the oldest and those we know have serious illnesses. – Is there any reason to use a mask? – If you have to go out in a place with a lot of people when you are in an initial phase with many symptoms, it may be appropriate to wear a mask to protect others. Published 23/07/2024, at 16.16
