– There is no point in testing yourself, says the municipal doctor – news Nordland

The case in summary: Sales of corona tests at pharmacies have increased sharply, despite the fact that the health authorities believe it is unnecessary for most people to get tested. A package of five tests costs NOK 350, while a single test costs NOK 120 at Vitus Apotek. Municipal chief physician Ingebjørn Bleidvin in Hadsel believes that the result of the test makes no difference to either the person tested or those around them, and advises people to save their money. FHI states that there is no call from them for testing, as the advice for new respiratory symptoms is the same regardless of what the test shows. The elderly or people in risk groups can nevertheless benefit from testing in order to possibly take medicine against corona, according to FHI. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) expects that flu and corona cases will increase throughout the winter. This has led to record sales of self-tests at pharmacies. – The sale of corona tests is seven times higher than it was during the autumn holidays, and it is increasing week by week. Not since February 2022 have we sold more self-tests, says Silje Ensrud, who is press manager at Apotek 1. Self-tests have been available in pharmacies ever since they came on the market in autumn 2020, but sales have been very low in the past year. In recent weeks, however, sales have been more reminiscent of last year. In Bodø and Narvik, the pharmacies are starting to run out of self-tests. That’s what pharmacist Karl Skari at Vitus pharmacy in Bodø says. – People are welcome to get tested, but I don’t know if I fully see the great need, unless you are close to people with high-risk diseases, says pharmacist Karl Skari. Photo: Ola Helness / news – Right now we are only getting packs with five tests. This is how it has been for the last two months. We had a period of double testing where you could test yourself for both flu and covid, but it has been scrapped. While the municipalities previously handed out free covid tests, the picture looks completely different now. A package of five tests costs NOK 350, while a single test costs NOK 120 at Vitus Apotek. Skari doubts that the pharmacy will receive single packs before Christmas. – The supply of these is unstable going forward. news has asked people if they would take a corona test if they fell ill. Municipal superintendent: – No point Municipal superintendent Ingebjørn Bleidvin in Hadsel tells news that people are happy to get tested, but that there is no purpose. – The vast majority should just stop taking these tests and save the money. The result of the test makes no difference to either you or those around you, says the municipal superintendent. – If you are going to take a test for anything, there must be a point to the test. For the vast majority of people, it doesn’t matter if they have the flu or covid, according to Bleidvin. Vitus pharmacy in Bodø is completely empty of individual tests, which the pharmacy sells for NOK 119.90. A package of five tests costs NOK 349.90. Photo: Ola Helness / news But there are a few exceptions: – There are certain patient groups where it is important to know exactly which disease they have. There may be vulnerable patients such as immunodeficiency or cancer treatment. But these patients will mostly be under close follow-up otherwise. FHI: – No longer free This week, the news came that covid-19 should no longer be considered a public-dangerous infectious disease in Norway. According to specialist director Preben Aavitsland at FHI, the reason why pharmacies are selling more corona tests this autumn is because most municipalities no longer have any free tests to hand out. According to FHI’s own calculations, in week 45 fewer people test themselves with a rapid test well below the two previous winters. – There is no call from us for testing as the advice when you have new respiratory symptoms is the same regardless of what the test shows, says Aavitsland to news. If you are older or belong to a risk group, testing may still be relevant so that you can possibly take medicine against corona, according to FHI. Recommended corona vaccination for risk groups This is the advice from the Institute of Public Health on who should take a booster dose of corona vaccine for winter 2023/24. People in the age group 65 years and older, and nursing home residents People in the age group 18–64 who are part of a risk group Young people in the age group 12–17 years with a serious underlying disease Children from 6 months – 11 years with a serious underlying disease if the child’s doctor considers this important Pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. Vaccination in the 1st trimester can be considered if the pregnant woman has additional diseases that give a further increased risk Source: FHI/NTB Institute of Public Health monitors the spread of the corona virus through several different systems. – We have to live with the fact that both corona, influenza and several other respiratory viruses will be here forever. This means that we all get infected once in a while, says specialist director Preben Aavitsland at FHI. Photo: Per-Kåre Sandbakk / news Aavitsland states that the number of new admissions with confirmed covid-19 has increased over several weeks. At the same time, FHI is reasonably satisfied with the number of people vaccinated this autumn. – It’s going quite well. We are now up to 43 per cent among those over 65. Vaccination is in full swing in the municipalities. There are enough vaccines, so people in the target groups can check on the municipality’s website how they can be vaccinated. If you feel ill, the most important advice from FHI is to monitor your general condition and breathing. In the case of new respiratory symptoms and reduced general condition, you should stay at home until you feel well. – Have learned from the pandemic Municipal Superintendent Ingebjørn Bleidvin says he is surprised that so many Norwegians are getting corona tests now. Self-tests have been available in pharmacies ever since they came on the market in autumn 2020, but sales have been very low in the past year. In recent weeks, however, sales have increased sharply, according to the pharmacies. Photo: Erik Johansen / NTB – But we were very trained for this here during the pandemic. It is clear that there is still a bit left. It is another expression of people taking responsibility. Then we still have it in us, says Bleidvin. And adds: – What we should take with us from the pandemic is precisely what we became good at, namely staying at home if we have symptoms. And avoid people who we know are at risk. And focus on simple hygiene. We can take some of this knowledge with us further.
