– There is more joy in the Christmas lights now – news Vestland

The house at Stord lights up in the autumn darkness. Nissen is already in place, but Renata Sendela is barely getting started. – Now there is little decoration. It should rise twice as much. It is the beginning of October, and the big tree in the garden is still green. – There are still too many leaves on the tree, but next month there will be plenty of light there too. – You don’t take that as a sign that it’s a little too early? – No, I think there is more joy in the Christmas lights now than in December. Then Christmas will soon be over. Say what you think in the poll below! BIG JOB: Most of the windows in the house are decorated with lights. – I can get a little pain in my arm. But I love to decorate, so it’s fine. Photo: Eli Bjelland / news – Be incredibly provoked and angry The limit of how early you can decorate for Christmas is an eternal topic of discussion. Many have strong opinions, especially if they think it is too early. Psychologist and closure researcher Ragnhild Bang Nes at the Institute of Public Health noticed this when, a few years ago, she encouraged people to put up the Christmas lights in November. It was the first autumn with corona, and the need for light was great, she said. – I almost received death threats because of that encouragement, she says. – Many were positive, and thought it was cozy with lights in the windows and the streets. Others were incredibly provoked and angry. Christmas is linked to traditions and memory, and it can arouse strong feelings. LUKKEFORSKAR: Ragnhild Bang Nes was surprised by the strong reactions she got when she asked people to hang up Christmas lights. Photo: Astrid Waller Lukkeforskaren even has Christmas lights that hang up all year round, but only turn them on if it’s very dark or she needs a lift. – But do you dare to encourage people to put up Christmas lights already? – Many people find that it is heavier in autumn. It is darker and colder. Then it is important to find meaningful activities that can create joy and light in everyday life. But it doesn’t have to be Christmas lights, she laughs. What time is it okay to decorate with Christmas lights? Decorate whatever time you want! In any case, wait until November December is the month of Christmas. Only then will the Christmas decorations go up. Show result Decorated for over a month Renata Sendela nails the string lights firmly. Autumn in Western Norway is windy, and the decorations should last a long time. More and more decorations come up every year. Last year she spent a month getting everything up. This year she needs a couple more weeks, with help from family and friends. – I love all my Christmas things. It will be like an adventure when you enter the garden here. HALF THE PARTY IN PLACE: The elf is already lighting up the wall. Photo: Eli Bjelland / news In my home country of Poland, it is more common to decorate early for Christmas. Renata says she has almost exclusively received positive feedback. – People think it’s cozy and nice. At the shop, there are questions about what time I should decorate for Christmas. – I have only had one negative reaction, where the person thinks it was a little too early. LIGHTS UP: – It is very dark when children go to school. Then it’s nice to be able to light things up a bit for them, says Renata Sendela. Photo: Eli Bjelland / news
