There could be a new trial against Jan Helge Andersen in April – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– We are aiming for mid-April, and ask the court to wait up to two months, says state attorney Johan Øverberg. On 15 June, it was announced that the case against Jan Helge Andersen will be reopened. Now a new trial can start in the middle of April 2024. However, the public prosecutor reminds that for the time being it is only a matter of preliminary planning. It has not yet been decided whether Andersen will be prosecuted. – A prosecution decision will be made during the autumn, says Øverberg. It is the Attorney General who must take a position on prosecution decisions following a recommendation from the state prosecutors at the Oslo State Prosecutor’s Office. – There will be development during September, says Øverberg. The case will be heard in Sør-Rogaland district court at the courthouse in Sandnes. Thus, there may be a new trial 23 years after the rapes and murders of Lena Sløgedal Paulsen (10) and Stine Sofie Sørstrønen (8). – If there is a trial in April, we will deal with it. I have no comments beyond that, says Andersen’s defender, Svein Holden. This is the Baneheia case * Stine Sofie Sørstrønen (8) and Lena Sløgedal Paulsen (10) were raped and killed in Baneheia in Kristiansand on 19 May 2000. They were found two days later. * Viggo Kristiansen and Jan Helge Andersen were sentenced to 21 years in custody (minimum term of 10 years) and 19 years in prison, respectively. * Kristiansen was convicted of rape and murder of both girls. Andersen was convicted of rape and murder of Sørstrønen and complicity in the rape of Paulsen. He singled out Viggo Kristiansen as the main man behind the murders. * Andersen confessed – Kristiansen has always claimed that he is innocent * The commission for the resumption of criminal cases had the case on its table for the seventh time in the summer of 2017. * In February 2021, the commission decided that Viggo Kristiansen will have a new trial of the criminal case. * On Friday 21 October, Attorney General Jørn Maurud decided that he will go to the Court of Appeal with a message that Viggo Kristiansen should be acquitted of the murders and assaults for which he was convicted. New evidence The background to the petition for reopening was new findings of DNA that matches Andersen’s from various places on the body or clothes of Lena Sløgedal Paulsen. The discovery was made after secured trace material in the case was reviewed and analyzed again in 2021 and 2022 with new and improved analysis techniques. The decision was sent to the Agder Court of Appeal, which was to appoint a new district court to hear the case. Assistance lawyer Audun Beckstrøm then said that the parents had started to prepare for a new trial. – The decision was as expected since the attorney general was as clear and clear as he was. So we are satisfied that the decision came before the summer. The parents have now begun to prepare for a new case in court. It will of course be difficult to relive everything, but at the same time they are looking forward to having the matter illuminated again. They have always wanted an explanation, and now they hope they will get it. Who killed Lena and who and who raped and killed the two girls, said Beckstrøm.
