The world’s hottest city, Death Valley, can get even hotter – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

It is no longer so sensational that there are reports that last year was warmer than normal or that there have never been more hours of sunshine in June than this year. The abnormal temperatures are the new normal. USA Death Valley – the valley of death – lies in the south of California on the border with Nevada, and has the lowest point in the USA, 86 meters below sea level. It also holds the highest recorded temperature in the world, 56.7 degrees (measured in 1913). The valley can once again live up to its name, because experts now fear temperatures that could challenge the world record. Heat records, on the other hand, are not celebrated like the Jakob Ingebrigtsen record, since they are primarily a confirmation of climate change, which in sum is not good news for the planet. Tourists, on the other hand, flock to Death Valley now, in the hope of experiencing historical warmth. On Sunday, 53.3 degrees were measured there. In Arizona, a man was found dead in the desert on Sunday, after he punctured a bicycle tire and had to walk instead. The police say that it appears that he died of exhaustion due to the heat, writes CBS. 83 million Americans live in places where the authorities are now warning against the heat. This map shows how large an area in the USA is exposed to danger warning no. Purple means extreme heat, orange shows very stormy weather and gray shows where there is very poor air quality. Illustration: NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Southern Europe After a warm June, several places in Norway have become cooler now. In the south of the continent it is still boiling. It is especially hot in Greece, Spain and Italy. A red heat alert has been sounded in 16 Italian cities, and the European heat record from Sicily in 2021 of 48.8 degrees may be broken, according to the European Space Centre. In that case, it will probably either happen there or in Sardinia. – We must prepare for a serious heat wave, which will hit the whole country day by day. In some places, old heat records will be broken, write the Italian weather forecast. The extreme weather is called Kharon, which in Greek mythology was the ferryman in the underworld who transported the dead across the river Akheron. Forest fires are now ravaging several places in southern Europe, writes Reuters. At the coastal town of Loutraki, 1,200 children were evacuated from holiday camps that were threatened by the flames, reports AFP. A woman cools down by the Spanish Steps in Rome. Photo: GUGLIELMO MANGIAPANE / Reuters / NTB Asia East Asia is also unusually warm at the moment. The previous China record of 50.6 degrees has not only been broken, it has completely melted – after 52.2 degrees were measured in the village of Sanbao. 51 people have been admitted to hospital in Japan due to heat stroke, NTB reports. In South Korea, the rain is howling down, and in a tunnel even 15 cars and a bus are under water. 40 people have so far died in flash floods and landslides, after the rainy weather that followed the warm period. Norway Large parts of Norway have had a lot of nice weather in recent weeks, at least in periods. Going forward, there will be a lot of rain in many places. – There are no places in Norway where there are scorching summers, cloudless skies and high temperatures. It will be a bit unstable for everyone, says state meteorologist Charalampos Sarchosidis. It will be particularly wet in the north and west, and in Troms and Finnmark a yellow lightning warning has been issued. The hot world Last year had the hottest summer ever recorded in Europe. According to research referred to in the science magazine Nature, more than 61,000 people died in the heat wave last year. Most were older in Spain, Italy and Germany. – Global warming means that such temperatures are becoming more and more common, says Randy Cerny at the World Meteorological Organisation. There was a heat wave over southern Europe in April as well, and the countries there are now hit by another one. The high pressure seems to lie magnetized over the area, and does not move. – In the long term, we will get extreme temperatures more often, says Cerny. This Europe map shows the temperature forecast at 3pm on Tuesday. It is blood red and hot in the south. Illustration: European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
