The winter weather came on suddenly – a lorry almost overturned into a residential building in Bodø – news Nordland

There was drama in Stille dal in Bodø this morning. A load slid off the road and headed straight for a residential building further down the slope. Fortunately, both house and driver went well. The lorry stopped before it hit the house – and the driver managed to jump out before it went downhill. In the house there was a mother with a small child and a child. Avisa Nordland has spoken to the mother: – I hurried to pick up my son, and at the same time I looked out the kitchen window and discovered that what I thought was a large rock turned out to be the diesel tank from a truck, she says. The truck in Bodø is one of several vehicles that have driven off the road in the snowy weather. Two are said to be seriously injured after a traffic accident on Frøya on Tuesday evening. The E6 at Grane was completely or partially closed for an hour on Tuesday after a lorry train blocked the road. There were traffic problems when a tanker lost a wheel on the E10 in Evenes. In Sunde in Trøndelag, a truckload of fish overturned on county road 714. Troms police district has reported several derailments today, including several buses ending up in the ditch. A truck train overturned on Monday on county road 14 near Sunde. Photo: Ronny Teigås / news The usual that applies to Christer Berntsen at Vegtrafikksentralen Nord says the first real snowfall of the season came last night. – Winter came a little too soon, you might say. He says that there have not been an abnormal number of accidents or run-offs considering the time of year, but encourages drivers to follow the usual advice. – Adjust your speed according to the road and conditions, and be properly shod. Then you will go far. Berntsen says it is at the mountain passes that there have been the most arms and legs in the last 24 hours. – When the weather now stabilizes, we expect that to be reflected in the traffic picture and. Still danger warning State meteorologist Martin Granerød says up to 35 centimeters of snow is expected in some places over the next 24 hours. Therefore, there is still a yellow danger warning in several places in the country. – This applies from Nordfjord in Sogn og Fjordane to Lofoten and Vesterålen, says Granerød. State meteorologist Martin Granerød Photo: Kamilla Pedersen/MET In addition, there is a risk of snow drifts and reduced visibility. This in turn leads to difficult driving conditions, he says. – The wind turns more easterly on Wednesday afternoon and evening. Then the showers stay out at sea and there will be lingering weather over land in the north. In Trøndelag and Møre og Romsdal, the wind turns easterly during the night until Thursday. Then the snow showers will stop.
