The wildlife commission shot deer in Nygårdsparken in the middle of Bergen – news Vestland

It is the police who report that the deer is no longer alive. On Thursday morning, several witnesses saw a deer in the center of Bergen. The deer wandered by Den Nationale Scene in Bergen, where he was observed by passers-by. At 11 o’clock the police were notified that the deer was in Nygårdsparken, a park in the center of Bergen. Then they sent a patrol there to observe the deer. – We send someone away to keep an eye on him, and hire people away from where the deer was. There were no incidents connected to the deer, and the game board came to the scene after a while, says police operations manager Frode Kolltveit to news. The deer was killed at 12.26. It was BA who first reported that the deer had been killed. A deer was shot in Nygårdsparken in Bergen on Thursday. Considered moving Game manager in Bergen municipality, Caroline Christie, tells news that they received a report about the deer early today. – We hoped that the deer would move out of the city on its own when there was still little activity in the city, but unfortunately that did not happen. A deer in the center is problematic because dangerous situations can quickly arise with a lot of infrastructure, people and cars in the city, she says. The Wildlife Board considered that moving the deer was not an option. – This was a stressed individual. Trying to rent him out in the terrain was too high a risk, she says. Stunning the deer was considered, but it takes some time, according to Christie. When the deer was in the park, it was possible to resolve the situation more safely than if the deer ran back out into the city center streets. – The animal was so stressed, which is also an animal welfare aspect here. There was a certain sense of urgency, and here we had an opportunity to resolve the situation then and there. Therefore, it was not relevant. – Why? – The regulations require that you have a competent veterinarian. You must have the right professionals in to do this, and they must be brought in. Here, the trade-off was that there was a need to take measures when one had the opportunity, and before the deer again moved in between houses and traffic, she says. CENTRUM: The deer was shot in Nygårdsparken in central Bergen. May have come by sea The deer was a young male animal. He was killed with a single shot, and did not die, according to Christie. Although there are probably several thousand deer in Bergen municipality, it is very rare for deer to come into the center of Bergen. – It is very unusual. We had an episode a few years ago, when a deer was observed at the police station, says Christie. The deer may have either come down from the mountains or from the sea. – He may have come from the mountain side up towards Fløyfjellet or the sea route. The deer is good at sewing and may have come ashore at Nordnes, says Christe. The deer carcass is now destroyed in line with the regulations.
