The wife was not there when the defendant bought morphine – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

Here the defendant admitted that his wife was not with him the first time he bought tablets in the drug environment. The wife died on 29 June in Ørland municipality, aged 74. The autopsy showed that she had a fatal overdose of morphine in her body. The defendant has said that his wife asked him for help to die and that she accompanied him to Trondheim when he bought tablets in the drug environment. Constantly new explanations The prosecution referred to several interrogations of the accused in which he explains himself about the prelude to his buying tablets. The defendant has previously explained that already before Christmas in 2022, he and his wife were on several “probes” around the Church of Our Lady in Trondheim. Here it is known that there is a drug environment. For the defendant and his wife, this was completely unknown terrain, he has said. The aim was to buy tablets for the wife to take herself because she no longer wished to live because she had Parkinson’s. Already in a prison meeting two weeks after he was charged with murder, he changed his explanation and told about the agreement with his wife. Co-prosecutor Ole Andreas Aftret confronted the defendant with the fact that he then said that his wife was involved. Co-prosecutor, police attorney Ole Andreas Aftret, confronted the defendant with several pieces of information which turned out to be inconsistent with the defendant’s explanation. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news – I have no strategy After some back and forth in court, the defendant admitted that his wife was not with him when he met the person who sold him four tablets. Aftret wanted to know why the defendant constantly changes strategy and explanations. – I have no strategy, answered the defendant. He says it has been difficult to separate both dates and what he should tell about the agreement he had with his wife not to tell that she wanted to die. Later, he was also charged with attempted murder when it turned out that his wife had been admitted to hospital in February for the same.
