The whole of Norway is freezing – but Svalbard has summer temperatures – news Troms and Finnmark

It is record cold in several places in Norway this week. Yesterday Mo i Rana broke a new November record for cold with minus 26.4 degrees in Røssvoll, and on Tuesday a new record was set with minus 27.1 degrees. – The temperatures are well below what is normal in November. The start of December will also be colder than normal, says meteorologist on duty at the Meteorological Institute Julie Solsvik Vågane to news. Julie Solsvik Vågane, meteorologist on duty at Vervarslinga in Western Norway. Photo: Leif Rune Løland / news Mildest in Svalbard But far north they experience milder temperatures than elsewhere in Norway during the day. Svalbard Airport in Longyearbyen had 4.2 plus degrees at 02.00 last night. The average temperature for the whole of Svalbard in summer is between 3 and 6 plus degrees. At Bjørnøya and Svalbard Airport, it has been measured above 20 degrees. – On Svalbard there is a south-westerly wind, which makes it milder than on the mainland. They have received much of the mild air that tends to land on the mainland. – Is it abnormally hot? – I have checked, and last year in November we also measured 6.5 plus. So it has happened before, says Vågane. – It is probably more the new normal than what has been normal in a historical perspective. Head of tourism in Visit Svalbard Ronny Brunvoll says that tourists who visit the archipelago do not expect to come to the warmest place in the country. – To the extent that tourists react, they ask whether it is normal to have such hot temperatures or not. They expect it to be colder, he says. – At the same time, it is not very unusual for such weather phenomena to strike. Brunvoll points out that it has been cold in Svalbard all autumn, until now. Head of Tourism in Visit Svalbard Ronny Brunvoll. Photo: Gunnar Grindstein / news Pluss in Finnmark But why is it so cold in the rest of the country at the moment? – It is because cool air is coming from the east, which has been lying over land for a long time and has become cold, says the meteorologist. The start of the week has been cold in more or less the entire mainland, she says. – The only plus degrees I can find in mainland Norway are in Finnmark, with plus 2.4 at Vardø Airport. Minus 29.8 Last night it was Røros that had the lowest temperatures, with 29.8 minus degrees. Several other places also had minus temperatures in the 28th and 29th century. – Is this unusual? – Yes, we see it at a number of weather stations, that several have set new cold records for November. It indicates that it is abnormally cold. All these stations have broken November records: Setså in Saltdal municipality in Nordland had a new record with 18 minus degrees. Veiholmen in Smøla municipality in Møre og Romsdal had minus 7 degrees. Soknedal in Midtre Gauldal municipality in Trøndelag hit 23.2 minus degrees. Møsstrond Vinje municipality in Vestfold and Telemark measured minus 20.8 degrees. Vågane can comfort us with warnings of milder weather ahead – but it won’t last long. From tonight it will be milder, but then it will be colder again towards the weekend.
