The wheel loader that saved Arnstein (97) during the extreme weather “Hans” is going to the Norwegian road museum – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– The fact that this drawer is going to a museum is the nicest thing I’ve heard in a long, long time! Arnstein Groven had a pleasant surprise when he read the local newspaper Hallingdølen this week. The wheel loader box, which was used to evacuate residents when the flood following the extreme weather “Hans” took over Nesbyen, will be exhibited at the Norwegian road museum in Fåberg. And it is thanks to Vera Arnstein. In a TV feature on news earlier this autumn, the 97-year-old said that the drawer should be exhibited in a museum; and so it was. The bucket, which is usually used to transport snow, will soon be transported to the Norwegian Road Museum, where the Nesbyen evacuation will be the subject of an exhibition. Photo: Lykke Frida Synnøve Høyås / news – How does it feel, Arnstein? – I am so glad that there are people who take this seriously, and ensure that the drawer comes to the museum. Because this is history, exults Arnstein Groven. Dramatic flash floods On the night of Wednesday 9 August, the water that had overflowed highway 7 and large parts of the center of Nesbyen was in the process of taking over the elderly home. Even the fire engine did not reach the large bodies of water. The wheel loader drawer was saved. The wheel loader was the savior when they had to evacuate the elderly in Nesbyen.Vidar Gjestemoen Arnstein Groven is one of twelve elderly people who were evacuated in this drawer on the night of 9 August. – I was delicately lifted into the weather and drove off guard so that the splash of water stopped, Arnstein told news earlier this autumn. Now the wheel loader drawer will tell the story of the dramatic hours in Nesbyen at the road museum in Fåberg. History is made here At the road museum, the drawer becomes part of a concept that deals with climate, environment and sustainability. Silje Cathrin Fylkesnes, head of section at the Norwegian Road Museum. Photo: Alexander Nordby / news – When you saw how these elderly people were saved, it’s a fantastic story. This is what I want to capture, says Silje Cathrin Fylkesnes. She is head of section at the Norwegian Road Museum. – The commitment, the creativity, the solidarity that was out there among people when this crisis hit is a lot of the reason why we want the drawer here, she says. In a video conversation between Arnstein and Fylkesnes, she credits Arnstein for the proposal. – That this drawer is coming to the museum now is a direct encouragement of a statement that Arnstein made; that it should be in a museum, says Fylkesnes. In a video interview, Arnstein Groven is told how much it means to him that the road museum has heard his proposal for the flood drawer. Silje Cathrin Fylkesnes, section manager of the road museum, gives Arnstein Groven the credit for the proposal to have the tray in a museum. – When you’re that old, you get a bit old… This is completely unbelievable, he replies. “Vidar drawer” Arnstein wants the Norwegian road museum to call the drawer “Vidar drawer”, what do you think of that proposal? – I will not take on something like that. We were a group that carried out this operation, and it was also by chance that I had access to the wheel loader at work, replies Vidar Gjestemoen. Vidar Gjestemoen ensured the safe transport of the elderly during the extreme weather “Hans”. Photo: Lykke Frida Synnøve Høyås / news Gjestemoen is one of the volunteers who helped during the extreme weather. He is also the one who came up with the idea of ​​using wheel loaders, and who drove the elderly out of the water bodies. The skip is owned by Statnett, and is used to transport snow. – It’s strange, a drawer is a drawer. But this is connected to a serious incident, and at the same time it will be a happy thing because we have a fit 97-year-old who spreads joy through the misery, says Gjestemoen. The Flom drawer is ready for exhibition. Photo: Lykke Frida Synnøve Høyås / news An exact date has not been agreed for when the wheel loader drawer will be transported to the museum. It depends on when the new drawer is ready. For now, the drawer is in the snow outside Statnett in Nesbyen. Isn’t it a bit strange to have a work of art for 300,000 standing outside in the snow? – That’s where he thrives best, laughs Gjestemoen. Hi!Thanks for reading the whole thing.Do you have any thoughts to share? Perhaps you are burning with a story you want to tell? Send me an e-mail, I would love to hear from you. In the past, I have worked on issues such as:
