– The West wants to weaken us from within – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Russia’s president gives his annual speech, just a few weeks before he is likely to win the election easily. Vladimir Putin began his speech by attacking Western countries, saying the West wants to weaken Russia from within. He says that Russia must strengthen its western military areas with soldiers and weapons as Finland and Sweden have become members of NATO. He claims that the West provoked conflict in Ukraine, but now tries to say that Russia poses a danger to Europe. – They should eventually realize that we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory, Putin said. – The West invents things to scare the whole world with. There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be used. That would mean destroying the whole world. – Don’t they understand that? They have forgotten what war is, Putin said. – The threat was very clear, comments news’s ​​Jan Espen Kruse. Support for the war – Our military departments are making progress in several places, they are constantly liberating new areas. We are not the ones who started the war. I have said that several times. We are doing everything to stop the war, Putin said. The president claims that most citizens support his decision to send thousands of troops into Ukraine two years ago. – Russia will forever remember its fallen heroes, Putin said and asked for a minute’s silence. According to a Russian survey, the majority of Russians are against a new mobilization, writes Russianfield. A survey conducted by Levada shows that three out of four Russians still support the invasion, but that includes those who “lean towards a yes”. When asked about “completely clear support”, 53 percent answered yes in March 2022, while only 39 percent answered the same in November 2023. At the same time, data from Russian Field and Levada show that more Russians clearly prefer peace talks to a continuation of the war. Firefighting in Kharkiv, Ukraine, after a Russian attack, February 2024. Photo: Yevhen Titov / AP Free admission People have flocked to the Guest House near Moscow’s Red Square. 1,300 guests are expected to be present when Putin gives his speech on the state of the kingdom. The speech is also shown in cinemas in 20 Russian cities, and admission is free. Vladimir Putin has strengthened his position, two years after Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Economically speaking, Russia is stronger than many thought. Putin has said in advance that his speech will necessarily deal with the 15-17 election. March. There are no real contenders. Will increase birth rates According to the national security strategy, a decline in the population is the biggest security threat for Russia. Putin emphasizes the importance of giving birth to children, raising them and passing on values ​​from generation to generation. He explains that young people are putting off having children and that over the next six years, Russia will ensure a solid increase in the declining birth rates. The president points out that one of the biggest problems is that families with many children often have a low income. He claims that 13.5 million people with low incomes had their living standards raised last year, and that families with many children should have increased access to support. It will cost the country over eleven billion kroner. – Stop drinking. Go skiing! Putin informed that the average life expectancy in Russia is now 73 years, but that the wish is for it to be higher. A project called “Long and Active Life” is therefore being planned, and a fight against cancer and diabetes. As a measure to increase the number of people who regularly do sports, people who exercise will be able to get tax credits. The message from the authorities is: – Stop drinking, go skiing. Putin informs that the consumption of alcohol, primarily spirits, is decreasing, and that this contributes to the nation’s health. Statistics on previous speeches Putin himself has given 18 of the 22 speeches that have been given on the state of the nation since the year 2000. The Russian news agency TASS provides us with statistics from previous speeches, which can give insight into possible messages in Putin’s speech today. An analysis of word usage shows that “the state” is the most frequently used word, in addition to “Russia” and “economy”. Last year, “security” was mentioned many times. In 2005, “democracy” was used a total of 25 times, while in four of the speeches it was not mentioned at all. Putin consistently does not use the word “crisis” in his speeches, but then-President Dmitry Medvedev did in 2008, a total of 17 times. The speeches result in “action points” that must be followed up by ministries and others. Last year’s speech resulted in 35 such “action points”, in 2021 67. In 2022 there was no talk about the state of the kingdom. Putin’s focus was on the war, or “the special military operation,” as he calls it.
