– The weather is absolutely perfect – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

Radiant sun, swimming, and temperatures well above the 20s. For many, this is the recipe for a good summer. But until now, these ingredients have been left to wait in large parts of the country. And exactly that is to the great delight of one group of people in particular. – The weather is absolutely perfect. That’s exactly how we should have it, says Håkon Varhaug. I think gray summer weather is good for everyone Among a group of curious cows stands a smiling Håkon Varhaug. The Jær farmer is dressed in overalls and stands with long, green grass over his boots. He understands little that people complain about the summer weather. Håkon Varhaug smiles when the sun doesn’t. Photo: Adrian Fosse Årthun / news – Now we get enough feed of good quality for the animals this winter. Thus, the gray summer weather does not only benefit the farmers, but the entire population in the country, Varhaug believes. – It means that we have enough food. Good grass year Many refer to 2024 as a really good grass year. The good growing conditions lay a solid foundation for the year and in the winter the farmers collect fodder for. Ståle Hustoft is the leader of Rogaland Bondelag and also someone who is happy about the summer weather so far. He explains that the weather conditions so far have been very good for growing grass. This comes from high clouds that provide lots of light, good temperatures and plenty of water for the grass. Manager of Rogaland Bondelag, Ståle Hustoft, believes that this year’s summer weather is positive for both animals and the economy. Photo: Marthe Synnøve Johannessen / news – Even farmers like to grill, sit in the sun and enjoy themselves. But we are dependent on getting enough water and light, and we got that this year. Hustoft has cattle on his farm. He says he has rarely seen such good grazing activity as now. – The animals thrive outside both during the day and at night. Usually when it’s too hot, they want to go into the shade. So they are very satisfied. For farmers, this year’s summer weather also means better finances. According to Hustoft, the possibility of growing cheap forage is important for the accounts to turn positive in the end. – It looks like we will be able to save a lot of feed this year. I am very happy about that. The weather is also good for the climate, in his eyes. Primarily because the animals get fresh grass. – Then there is little emission of methane and little emission of greenhouse gases. And the fact that we can now grow a lot of grass keeps the Norwegian part high, he says. Perhaps less rainfall is promised. State meteorologist John Smiths admits that it has been a difficult start to the summer, if one ignores the early summer in May. – It has rained a lot in Western Norway, especially Rogaland. And the temperatures have been quite average. State meteorologist John Smiths completely agrees that the weather is good for those who are going to grow things. Photo: Tore Meek / NTB Favorable in the growing season, he says. And he can perhaps provide somewhat brighter prospects for the future. For all. – This week there will probably be a little less rainfall overall over our country. Ideally, it shouldn’t count too much when you start taking in the crop. The temperature will also be a little higher, but not any sweltering heat, he says. Badelandet Check the bathing temperature at your bathing area Published 05.07.2024, at 10.04
