The watchdog could not be led by a thief – Statement

The increasingly thick handbook on how to deal with political scandals hardly mentions the theft of Hugo Boss sunglasses. But the departed Rødt leader cannot possibly have picked up much general theory about crises. In handling the famous theft, Moxnes did absolutely everything wrong. Not only was the case allowed to grow and develop in the media, but the Rødt leader ended up appearing both as a thief and a liar. Failed on all counts Perhaps it shows how judgment can fail completely for even the most experienced among us? The unexpected event obviously also took a toll on the party strategists in Rødt. After the theft became known just over three weeks ago, Moxnes faced remarkably little opposition in his own party. One after the other stepped forward to declare confidence in the party leader. You had to look at the very edges of the party to find voices that said out loud that trust had been broken or that he could not lead the party further. This is in striking contrast to the frustration acting party leader Marie Sneve Martinussen put on the table during today’s press conference. No bankruptcy estate That probably says a lot about his position. It is not difficult to find great words about Bjørnar Moxne’s importance to Rødt. He has both renewed and lifted Rødt from being a curious mini-party to becoming a factor of power and a corrective in Norwegian politics. Moxnes has been both an effective debater and a driven strategist. He has avoided the party getting bogged down in internal battles to which far-wing parties have a tendency. Although many will object that it took time, he also managed to land a solid majority in favor of arms support for Ukraine at the national meeting this spring. Many had thought that the case had the potential to blow up the party, but the case calmed down quickly and does not seem to have had significant consequences. And there is absolutely no bankruptcy estate he leaves behind. The Red Party has stabilized well above the blocking limit, and the Storting group appears to be one of the most visible and active in Norwegian politics these days. Marie Sneve Martinussen takes over as party leader temporarily, and the fresh and clear financial politician is also a favorite to occupy the role permanently. Sofie Marhaug, Mímir Kristjánsson, Hege Bae Nyholt and Tobias Drevland Lund are also, if not necessarily leadership candidates, then skilled debaters. The list could easily be made longer. Bjørnar Moxnes cannot be accused of having pulled up the ladder after himself. Sunglasses smiley face on speed When Moxnes in reality had no choice but to withdraw, it is about the strong symbolic effect. The theft of sunglasses has obviously been the summer’s big talking point around the many sunbeds and camping tables. Rødt leader Bjørnar Moxnes has had the longest index finger in Norwegian politics. He has railed against greed and lack of culture, and has also not appeared to be particularly generous when others have made mistakes. He would have great difficulty filling that role going forward. If he was talking about greed and people who take advantage of him, the images people have on their retinas from Gardermoen will probably be strong. Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / news Rødt is today the loudest watchdog in Norwegian politics. Then you can’t have a thief as party leader. The personal burden for Moxnes and his family is part of the picture. The combination of massive media coverage and social media makes it not easy to make mistakes. Although people in power have to endure a lot, the totality of jokes and pranks in social media can make the laughter get stuck in the throat. Worse for the party leader than for the party It is likely that the case will now destroy more for Moxnes than for the party. This is a mistake he himself is 100 percent responsible for. But even though Bjørnar Moxnes is controversial and has many political opponents, probably few wish him such an exit. He will continue in the Storting, and perhaps it is a consolation that he will end up in good company with others who have made mistakes. Several have rebuilt trust and are now doing a good job for their party. One of these is former KrF leader Kjell Ingolf Ropstad, who had to resign as party leader after a commuter housing case. One of the nice things about our democracy is that there is forgiveness – even for politicians.
