The warden appeals the verdict – news Vestland

– He has decided to appeal. The reason for that is that he disagrees with the district court’s judgment regarding negligence. Overall, it is about the fact that he cannot be blamed to a sufficient extent in a criminal context, says the guard’s defense attorney Christian Lundin. He has called in a press conference at 10 o’clock. The warden was convicted in the Hordaland District Court for having negligently caused the frigate accident. On the night of 8 November 2018, the frigate collided with the tanker “Sola TS” in the Hjeltefjord. After an unsuccessful rescue operation, the frigate later had to be cut up. BT discussed the appeal first. The watch commander believes that he did not have good enough qualifications when he was put in command of the warship. Among other things, two people were on training on the bridge when the frigate collided. In addition, the warden believes that he was cleared too soon. – He acknowledges a misjudgment, but believes the court must look at the underlying conditions for him to act as he did, says Lundin. The warden must now prepare for a new round in court. – The fact that the case has been a big burden for him, and that we could sort of be done with it now, has weighed heavily on the other side of the scale. But he believes he is innocent, says Lundin.
