The war zone in the shadow of Gaza – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

It had become dark when Israeli forces moved into the town of Tulkarm in the West Bank. The storming of the night could begin. Israeli military vehicles occupied the city. Photo: Eirik Pessl-Kleiven / news First the military vehicles drove into the city. Then loud bangs and booms could be heard. Then shooting. At the same time, there were messages and videos on the mobile phone of the Palestinian journalist Moeen Shaded. – Eliminating the resistance is difficult as long as there is still an occupation going on, he tells news. He is referring to how Israel occupies the area. Journalist Moeen Shaded has followed the conflict for decades. Photo: Eirik Pessl-Kleiven / news The world’s eyes have been on the Middle East after Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October. The focus has been on Israel, where a number of civilians were killed, and several hundred were taken hostage and abducted to Gaza. Subsequently, the focus has been on the Gaza Strip, against which Israel has directed heavy attacks. Israel has vowed to strike back at Hamas. Several killed Parallel to the hostilities in the Gaza Strip, violence has increased sharply in a number of places in the West Bank. The Palestinian Authority is located in the West Bank. While Palestinians live in the area, there are also a number of Israeli settlements. Recently, Israel has been raiding the West Bank almost every day. They say they are hunting Palestinians who support the Islamic Holy War, which along with Hamas was behind the October 7 attack on Israel. Explosions could be seen and a series of gunshots could be heard. Photo: Eirik Pessl-Kleiven / news More than 290 Palestinians are said to have been killed by Israeli forces and settlers in the period after 7 October, according to spokespersons for the health authorities who have spoken to the AFP news agency. On the night of Sunday, both news and the Palestinian journalist Moeen Shaded followed the raid against Tulkarm. Five Palestinians were killed last night, and four arrested, the Israeli defense told news. They also confirm that it was attacked with a bomb from the air using a drone. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Aid states that the death toll in the West Bank this year is the highest they have recorded since they began counting in 2005. Shaded, who has covered the events in the West Bank for Palestinian TV for 40 years, saw how human life was again. He believes it contributes to prolonging the conflict. – The resistance continues as long as there is oppression. As long as there are new murders and prisoners in this occupation prison, he says. Many Palestinians were injured last night. At the same time, the Red Cross says that ambulances were refused entry. Two Palestinians were injured when a bomb accidentally went off. The bomb was actually supposed to be used as a mine. One of them had to have both legs amputated, the other was slightly injured, local sources tell news. Israel says they are trying to crack down on terror The Israeli Defense Forces informs news that the operation on the night of Sunday led to the discovery of explosives hidden in a health centre. The fighting in Tulkarm on the West Bank lasted for almost half a day. With daylight, the inhabitants also came out. They wanted to see where the fighting had taken place and look at the damage. Others also came to honor the dead. In the city, news could see how dead blue people were carried through the streets in grief and also anger. When the light came on Sunday, a dead man was carried through the streets. Photo: Eirik Pessl-Kleiven / news The Israeli defense forces say they carry out the raids to crack down on terror. But Palestinian journalist Moeen Shaded sees no clear end. – What do you think will be the end of this? – Nobody knows. Only the gods know. The situation is very, very difficult now, says Shaded to news.
