The war of words continues after a climate activist advocated the use of violence – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Criticism has poured in after Skahjem spoke on live TV about firebombs, matches and sabotage against Equinor. – I stand by everything I said. For every climate disaster, the chance of violence in the climate fight increases, he tells news on Friday. Among the most critical is Bellona founder and environmental activist Frederic Hauge. – I am shocked. Not setting limits on violence is serious and unacceptable, said Hauge. Frederic Hauge has been arrested and fined after a number of climate actions, but he reacts strongly to Skahjem advocating the use of violence. Photo: Ole Dalen / news – Very unpleasant experience Skahjem now says that he reacted strongly to the way Hauge behaved during and after the Debate on news. – It was a very unpleasant experience. Especially the way he behaved after we left the studio. The 24-year-old says he felt Hauge tried to make him uncomfortable, also because the far more experienced environmental activist interrupted him several times and talked over him during the debate. Among other things, Hauge came with several strong reprimands. – I’m not particularly used to the stage, and I’m a little shy guy. In the face of him, I am no match. Frederic Hauge snorts at the claim. – A pathetic attempt to gain sympathy. There must be a way to make yourself poor. he says and continues: – If you can’t stand it, you shouldn’t start talking about violence. Bellona founder Frederic Hauge was shocked by Joachim Skahjem’s statements about using violence in the climate fight. More take a stand Skahjem has been the front man for several climate actions with Stopp Oljeletinga. Recently he threw paint at the Monolith in Vigelandsparken. Now the campaign distances itself from Skahjem. – We are a non-violent organisation. There should be no chance whatsoever that people could be injured, says spokesperson Fridtjof Klareng Dale. On Friday 18 November, the Monolith was soiled by Joachim Skahjem and other climate activists. He says the actions in the future may become more violent. Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / news Several environmental organizations are throwing themselves at the criticism of Skahjem. – Violence is always totally unacceptable, says Frode Pleym in Greenpeace. Nature and Youth says civil disobedience is an important tool in democracy, but: – It is important to distance yourself from a violent tool in the environmental movement, says leader Gina Gylver. Shareholder Joachim Skahjem glued himself to the wall during the oil fair in Stavanger this year. He says he triggered a fire alarm in the area. Photo: Josef Benoni Ness Tveit / news – People have thanked me Skahjem emphasizes that he himself does not think it is okay to attack people, but also installations. – I do not support violence against people in any way, but I think that is where we are heading, says Skahjem. He says he has received many reactions in the last 24 hours. – I have received an incredible amount of support than I expected. People have thanked me for starting the debate, that is what they have primarily supported, he says. Snorre Valen, responsible editor in Trønderdebatt, says a whole generation of young people are now growing up with a new relationship to climate policy. – All important and serious issues that people are very involved in have the potential to be used for purposes other than what the democratic community agrees on, he says. He is supported by Nils August Andresen, responsible editor at Minerva: – It is demanding to meet these concerns. We don’t have much to offer them other than to explain to them that they are on a wild path.
