The walrus Freya has been euthanized – Latest news – news

14 August 2022 at 12:08 The Directorate of Fisheries: The walrus Freya has been euthanized Early on Sunday morning, the Directorate of Fisheries carried out a controlled operation in which the walrus Freya was euthanized, the Directorate of Fisheries states in a press release. Freya has recently stayed in the Oslofjord. – The decision to euthanize was taken after an overall assessment where we concluded that people’s lives and health could be in danger, says fisheries director Frank Bakke-Jensen. Despite repeated calls, the public did not follow recommendations to keep their distance from the walrus, and dangerous situations arose on several occasions, the directorate writes. The police and the Norwegian Food Safety Authority were notified ahead of the action. Moving has been investigated together with, among others, the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research, but was opted out because it was too complicated and associated with high risk.
