The VG list and other events may disappear when Ring 1 is closed – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The construction of the new government quarter has major consequences for the citizens of Oslo. Until next year, Ring 1 must close, and the Swedish Road Administration plans to lay asphalt on the sea side of Rådhusplassen. The square is home to major events such as the VG-lista and the Melafestivalen, together with thousands of marathon runners during the Oslo Marathon. These can disappear from Rådhusplassen if the Swedish Road Administration gets its way. Oslo Marathon may have to find a new start and finish place from next year. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB The Norwegian Public Roads Administration tells news that it will be difficult to hold events at Rådhusplassen, if the plans for the emergency road become reality. – Most likely, they may have to find other places to hold their events, says project manager Elin Hermanstad Havik in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. – My immediate reaction is that this sounds like a terribly bad and ill-thought-out idea, says city councilor for the environment and transport Marit Vea (V). She describes the plans as a large road project in the middle of a vibrant city. According to Vea, paving over a square where thousands of people travel every day is a bad and poorly thought-out idea. Environment and transport Marit Vea (V) is not satisfied with the National Road Administration’s plans. Photo: Nadir Mohammad Alam / news Out of the question to move Director of the Mela Festival Khalid Salimi says that the town hall square has been the festival’s home for 20 years, and that they want to continue using the square as a festival area. – Moving for the Melafestivalen will not be relevant. Salimi says they will adapt to the temporary solutions that come. He has not seen the plans of the National Road Administration yet. Director of the Melafestivalen Khalid Salimi says they will not move the festival to another place in the city. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad / news – We focus on finding good solutions for the Mela Festival. He points to the Peace Centre, the National Museum and the town hall itself as possible locations for the festival. But he is absolutely clear about one thing: – The Town Hall Square is part of the entire Mela Festival. – Backwards into the future The Environment and Transport Council believes that the Norwegian Public Roads Administration has not realized that they work in a big city. – A complex city, with needs and wishes that they have paid very little attention to. The idea of ​​paving where it is is going backwards into the future. She also says that there has been poor cooperation with the municipalities in planning what will happen when Ring 1 is closed. – They have far too little cooperation with the municipality. Both with the politicians, but also for residents, neighbourhoods, business interests who are concerned with this project – Havik in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, for its part, believes that they have good cooperation and dialogue with Oslo municipality. Elin Hermanstad Havik in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration confirms that the events at Rådhusplassen may have to find other places to be. Photo: Erik Larsstuen – We try to make arrangements so that everyone will feel taken care of, but there is no hiding the fact that such a large project in a city will have some disadvantages, says Havik.
