The Vestfold railway through Larvik will run on old tracks, with a doubling of departures – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

Mia Elvina Moland Børresen (10) is used to the noise from the trains. But now she is afraid that it may be difficult to sleep in the future. It is planned to double the traffic on the railway tracks outside her bedroom window. – It is the yellow work trains that make the most noise, she says. TOGNABO: Mia Elvina Moland Børresen is used to the train whizzing by. Photo: JOHN-ANDRE SAMUELSEN / news There are more people than Mia who are worried about what the situation might be around the train tracks in Larvik. Among other things, the residents of Torstrand, the area where Mia and her family live. – We want a new railway that doesn’t go “through” people’s houses, says leader Anna Hansen of the association. – We are extremely disappointed Earlier this summer, it became clear that Larvik is the only city that will not get a new double track on the Intercity section from Oslo to Grenland. The railway tracks here are the same as they were 140 years ago. Today, this stretch is one of the busiest in the country. And in a few years, train departures will double. Anna Hansen in Torstrand Well, I think it’s frustrating to think about. – We are very disappointed, she says, and wonders where the money has gone. Facts about the Intercity project Is the largest transport project in Norwegian history. Double tracks are planned and built in eight counties in Eastern Norway. This happens on the Dovrebanen, Østfoldbanen, Ringeriksbanen and Vestfoldbanen. To be completed by 2034. Should provide 1.5 million inhabitants with faster journeys and more departures. 270 kilometers of new double track. 25 new stations. Top speed of 250 km/h. On Sunday there will be a demonstration in the city. At the forefront are 11 welfare associations, local politicians and entrepreneurs. One of those who supports this is transport politician Arve Høiberg (Ap). – Larvik cannot live another 100 years with this, he says. GIVE UP: Arve Høiberg (Ap) says the Government must follow up on what has been decided for the railway in Larvik. He gives up as a politician after it became known that Larvik will not get a double track. Photo: Philip Hofgaard / news The new National Transport Plan will be discussed in the Storting next summer. Høiberg therefore believes there is still time to change the plans. He was so disappointed with his own government in the train issue that he is now giving up on politics. The government’s response On Tuesday, State Secretary in the Ministry of Transport, Johan Vasara (Ap), came to Larvik to meet the municipal management. He says the government has only followed professional advice, and beyond that he cannot promise any changes. – We must get the most for every penny, says Vasara. STATE SECRETARY: Johan Vasara (Ap) says they must save money on the Intercity development. Photo: JOHN-ANDRE SAMUELSEN / news He also says that it is of course regrettable that people who live close to the old track are affected. He hopes the municipality can take some mitigating measures. CEO of Bane Nor, Gorm Frimannslund, says they were required to save money. According to their calculations, there is enough capacity to run several trains in Larvik. As a result, Larvik does not need the same investments that other cities receive, explains Frimannslund. BANE NOR: Gorm Frimannslund says Bane Nor is required to save money. Photo: JOHN-ANDRE SAMUELSEN / news Here county politician Arve Høiberg resoundingly disagrees. – What is decided must be built. Period and two dashes under the answer, he says.
