The US gives billions in aid to Egypt – slams demands for human rights – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Due to “American security interests”, the USA has chosen to relax the demand that Egypt must improve human rights conditions in the country. This is what an unnamed spokesperson for Foreign Minister Antony Blinken wrote in an email to Reuters. This is the first time the Biden administration has released the entire financial support to Egypt. In previous years, they have withheld a quarter of the support as a result of human rights violations. According to Human Rights Watch, Egypt has thousands of prisoners in prison without fair trials, including journalists, opposition and human rights activists. In Congress on Wednesday, Blinken will have shown that several political prisoners have been released in the past year. But Egypt has at the same time arrested hundreds of new activists, journalists and critics. Senators Chris Coons and Chris Murphy are among those who have reacted to the rationale for relaxing the requirement, and refer to Egypt’s new arrests. They call it one step forward and two steps back. President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has ruled Egypt since he and the rest of the military seized power in 2013, following a major popular uprising against then-President Mohamed Morsi. Photo: Amr Abdallah Dalsh / Reuters “No more blank cheques” In the past, President Joe Biden has been clear that the US will not fill in blank checks for “Egypt’s dictator”, i.e. to provide support without prerequisites and conditions, as a result of the arrests and torture of activists . Blinken’s spokesperson wrote to Reuters that the new decision comes as a result of Egypt’s attempt to put in place a ceasefire agreement between Hamas and Israel, and because the country has helped Palestinians in need. TEL AVIV AND CAIRO: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken boards his plane in Tel Aviv in August. The next stop was Cairo, in an attempt to broker a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel. Photo: Kevin Mohatt / AFP The EU has also adopted a support package for Egypt, amounting to 54 million dollars. The agreement is part of the EU’s work to delimit the refugee crisis across the Mediterranean. Important role in the region Refugees from neighboring countries in crisis have flocked to Egypt in recent years. Among others from Yemen, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Iraq. But the largest streams have come from Sudan and the Gaza Strip. More than half a million refugees have probably arrived from the two countries in the past year. But apart from shelter from war, the country has little to offer them. RAFAH: Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi pictured on a truck filled with emergency aid that is going to the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Photo: Khaled Desouki / AFP In an already limping economy with high inflation, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi does not want to accept more refugees. The refugee traumas have put a strong economic pressure on Egypt, and the country has engaged in finding a solution to both wars. The US and Egypt, together with Qatar, are mediators in the ceasefire negotiations between Hamas and Israel. Blinken’s spokesperson also highlighted Egypt’s diplomatic role in the war in Sudan as the reason why the US now decided to support the country with 1.3 billion dollars. RAFAH: EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell gave a speech in Rafah on 9 September, on the Egyptian side of the border crossing to the Gaza Strip. Photo: Ahmed Hasan / AFP Egypt and Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip In addition to accepting refugees, Egypt is an important actor in the talks on a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel. And the day the war ends and a peace agreement is in place, Egypt will be absolutely central. The country has a border with the Gaza Strip, and since 2007 has participated in Israel’s blockade of Gaza. Egypt has, until Israel took control of it in May, had control over the border crossing in Rafah. An important part of the ceasefire negotiations deals with this border. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu believes that Israel must have control over this border, something Egypt has opposed. Benjamin Netanyahu wants Israel to gain control over the border between Egypt and Israel. The border crossing has been particularly important for bringing in emergency aid to the Palestinians. Netanyahu fears that this is where Hamas gets weapons. Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg/Pool / Reuters Published 12.09.2024, at 12.49
