The US does not want Israel to enter Rafah – puts forward a proposal for a temporary ceasefire – Latest news – news

19 February 2024 at 17:30 The US does not want Israel to enter Rafah – submits a proposal for a temporary ceasefire The US announced on Monday that it will submit a proposal for a vote in the UN Security Council on the situation in Gaza, reports Reuters. Among other things, the proposal will advocate that Israel should not carry out a ground invasion in Rafah in the south of Gaza. Both because of the damage this will cause to civilians, but also the potential for civilians to be displaced to neighboring countries. It will also advocate for a temporary ceasefire between Israel and Hamas “as soon as this is practically feasible”. For the time being, it is uncertain when the proposal will be put forward for a vote in the Security Council, writes Reuters. The Security Council is scheduled to vote on a proposal for an immediate ceasefire, submitted by Algeria, on Tuesday. It has been expected that the US would veto this.
