The US condemns Iran’s attack in Erbil – Latest news – news

16 January 2024 at 03:41 The US condemns Iran’s attack in Erbil – The US strongly condemns Iran’s attack in Erbil, and offers its condolences to the families of those who lost their lives. We oppose Iran’s reckless missile attacks, which are undermining Iraq’s stability, says US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller. Earlier on Monday, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards announced that they had attacked “espionage centers” and “anti-Iranian terrorist groups” in Erbil in Iraq. At least four people and six others were wounded in the attack, according to the Kurdish Security Council. Three Iraqi sources told the Reuters news agency that the airport in the city suspended air traffic after residents of Arbil heard explosions around 40 kilometers northeast of the city, an area that is close to the US consulate and civilian residential areas. No US facilities were affected, and there were no US casualties or injuries, two US officials told Reuters late on Monday evening. (NTB/news)
