The US and Israel agree to develop a plan for emergency aid to Gaza – Latest news – news

17 October 2023 at 02:10 The US and Israel agree to develop a plan for emergency aid to Gaza US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken says in a statement on Tuesday night that the US and Israel agree to develop a plan that ensures that emergency aid can reach civilians in Gaza. Reuters reports. It is currently unclear how this will play out. On the night of Tuesday, eyewitnesses report that trucks with emergency aid have left the Egyptian city of el-Arish and are heading for the border crossing at Rafah, writes NTB. It is unclear if, and if so when, the border crossing will be opened. Blinken also says that President Joe Biden will visit Israel on Wednesday, among other things to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. There, Biden will once again confirm America’s support and emphasize that Israel has both the right and duty to protect its citizens against Hamas, says Blinken. Afterwards, Biden will travel to Egypt and Jordan.
