The unrealistic school – Expression

The theory-heavy school is far from reality and prevents natural growth and maturation. It is high time to think again. What if car mechanics and carpentry were compulsory subjects in primary school? That skills in welding should determine the possibilities of whether you entered law or economics studies? An absurd thought, you might think. But for many practical children this is everyday life – for years they study subjects they are not interested in. For children who like to sit still Active and practical children do not fit into today’s theory-heavy school. They spend large parts of their childhood concentrating on sitting still. In addition, they feel that what they are capable of and committed to is not recognised. It is pointless both for them and for society. When more than half of Norwegian secondary school students apply for vocational subjects, it is surprising that the school’s content reflects this to a small extent. My research on learning in working life shows that handling things, doing things and making things have great importance for how we perceive and learn. Play and work are an important part of children’s and young people’s development. It is wrong to think that abstract theory is the answer to all the challenges we face in school, work and social life. A well-functioning society cannot consist of theorists. There are professionals who build homes, roads, nursing homes and schools. Who make turbines and repair cars, produce food and ensure electricity, clean drinking water and that children, the sick and the elderly are looked after in safe institutions. Norway does not need more professors. What we need are more skilled workers who can build and maintain the necessary functions and infrastructure. Vocational subjects need a status boost. To be successful, practical subjects must be included in school. The school constructs problems Through several educational reforms, practical subjects have been phased out in favor of theory. The academisation of the school is based on a vision that the knowledge you can read and count on is more significant than other forms of knowledge. For his part, the philosopher Grundtvig asserts that “no one can be raised” – children and young people’s development and learning require self-activity. In today’s schools, children are forced to spend years sitting still. The most active and curious children are bored and can’t bear to keep up. The mind and body wander. They disrupt the class and become a problem quite early on. The grades get worse. It’s a downward learning spiral. If you rarely experience mastery, you can feel stupider than others. It destroys self-confidence. We know that far too many young Norwegians struggle with mental health problems. Some develop school refusal. A third of vocational students leave without completing their education within six years. Research shows that dropout is the end of a process that started many years earlier. Resistance to theory and sitting still, low motivation and school fatigue are among the most frequent reasons why students interrupt their education. Something must be done The excessive prioritization of theory sends the wrong signal that practical knowledge is second-rate. As if most theoretical knowledge is not based on practice! My doctoral work showed that apprentices experience that they learn faster and significantly more as active participants in the apprenticeship company than as pupils in school. This also applied in Norwegian, maths, English and social studies. Today’s school structure means that practical children and young people are discriminated against in the Norwegian education system. This must end. Theoretical and practical knowledge must be equated in school. One possibility is to combine junior high and high school into a continuous school course, something similar to the American high school model. It gives access to workshops and teaching expertise. A share of common core subjects combined with an equal or greater share of elective subjects can make more young people experience the joy of mastery and meaning. There are probably more solutions. What is certain is that today’s theory-heavy school does not work.
