The uncle reported Arfan Bhatti missing – now he says Pakistani police will not look for him

Yesterday, news told that the family of Arfan Bhatti has reported the terrorist-accused Islamist missing. Now news can tell more details about how the family has tried to get clarity on what has happened to the internationally wanted Norwegian. A local journalist has met the uncle who reported Bhatti missing. – I reported Arfan Bhatti missing. On the first day, I received confirmation via SMS that my message had been registered, uncle Shahzah Ahmed Bhatti tells news today. – Two days later I received another SMS from the police. It said the case has been dropped. According to the family, Bhatti disappeared from the village of Aali in Pakistan on Monday 26 September. The children do not understand what is going on, says the uncle. – They are worried and sad because their father has disappeared without a trace, Ahmed Bhatti tells news today. CONCERNED: Arfan Bhatti’s uncle, Shahzah Ahmed Bhatti, says that he received a voice message from Bhatti on the day he allegedly disappeared. Photo: Waseem Ashraf Butt / news Said he was going to Lahore Yesterday, news also told that Bhatti is said to have sent a mysterious audio message on the same Monday he is said to have disappeared. Ahmed Bhatti says that it was he who received the message from an unknown number. In the message, Bhatti is said to have said that the family had to collect the children from school. He himself was going to Lahore, he said. – I sent a message back that I had collected the children and that he did not need to be worried about them. But I waited for several hours. My message was not received. After that I started to worry. I called the number, but the mobile phone was switched off, says Ahmed Bhatti. Aftenposten reported last week that Bhatti was taken by Pakistani police authorities on Monday 26 September, but neither Pakistani nor Norwegian police have confirmed this. – No one from the Pakistani authorities acknowledges that they have arrested him, says the uncle. The car is said to have disappeared According to the family, Bhatti was last seen when he delivered the children to school in a car on Monday morning. The school is located a few kilometers from the place where Bhatti is said to have lived for the last month. The white Toyota Corolla is said to have also disappeared, according to the uncle. – We don’t know where the car is either. We are concerned and want to be heard, says Ahmed. The uncle says that he has a meeting with the chief of the local police tomorrow. On Tuesday, police prosecutor Ingvild Myrold ​​in the Oslo police district wrote in an e-mail to news that the police are in dialogue with the Pakistani authorities and the Norwegian embassy in Pakistan to confirm whether Bhatti has been arrested or not. – The police have still not received official confirmation of the arrest, Myrold ​​wrote. news has been in contact with the police on Wednesday as well. They say that they have not yet received an official confirmation.
