The Ukrainian soldier Viktor (40) waits for the offensive in a trench – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

In a trench in eastern Ukraine, Viktor scouts for the enemy. Through the binoculars, the Ukrainian soldier can observe the movements of the Russian forces. There are only two small kilometers between them. – Today I have seen that they are moving tanks and other vehicles, says Viktor to news. It has been calm in the area where Viktor is located, but the situation can quickly change. The much talked about Ukrainian spring offensive is on the way. The soldier Viktor (40) offers slices of bread in what is his little corner in the trench. Here he cooks and sleeps. Life in the trenches is life on tiptoe. At any time, something can happen, says Viktor. His weapon is never far away. Around 50 soldiers guard this trench located somewhere in Donetsk county. Firmanuk Orest is press officer in the tank brigade of which the soldiers are a part. From this post, the soldiers follow the movements of the Russians at all times. On Monday, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said that preparations are “in the final stages”. The objective of the offensive is to recapture Russian-occupied areas. Reznikov tells Ukrainian TV that he trusts the Ukrainian soldiers. – A lot has been done for them to succeed. – I think that as of today we can say yes, everything is ready. Then the General Staff, the Commander-in-Chief and his team can decide how, where and when – based on the decision and understanding of the situation on the battlefield, says Reznikov. Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov says that preparations for the announced offensive are in the final phase. Photo: HEIKO BECKER / Reuters Researcher: Ukraine wants to mislead the Russians Tensions are rising in Ukraine. Trygve Smidt is a lieutenant colonel and researcher at the Norwegian Military Academy. He believes it is still unclear when the Ukrainians will launch the attack. – It is very difficult to say. There will certainly be activities on the Ukrainian side to mislead the Russians as to where it will come and when it will come. View from a trench in Donetsk Oblast. From here it is only two kilometers to the Russian forces. Photo: Gunnar Bratthammer / news Smidt says that speculation is also running high in the Russian media and that they obviously have a certain respect for what Ukraine did last autumn. Ukrainian forces then managed to push the Russians out of Kharkiv county, in the north-east of the country. After that, the front line in the east of Ukraine has stood still, so to speak. Smidt believes that the Ukrainians are planning more offensives. – I think we may well see a couple of offensives this year. It probably depends on when the Ukrainians get complementary supplies from the West with weapons. In the long term, they will seek to liberate all of Ukraine. Smidt says that it is important for the Ukrainians to isolate the Russian forces that are in Kherson and in Crimea. That way, the Ukrainians can get south. He thinks it is likely that they will try to advance from the north and down towards the Sea of ​​Azov – Do you have any faith that Ukraine will be able to take large parts of the Russian-occupied counties now? – I think they are going to take a “jafs”, but that they manage to take back all the areas that the Russians have occupied so far in the first offensive, I doubt that, says Smidt. Trygve Johannes Smidt, lieutenant colonel and researcher at the Norwegian Military Academy. Photo: The Armed Forces Can never relax Viktor and the 50 other soldiers in the winding trenches are on their toes around the clock. Shooting is heard every day and Russian drones keep appearing. You can never lower your shoulders. Before the war, Viktor was a martial arts coach for children and young people in his hometown of Kharkiv. There is nothing he wants more than to get back the life he lived before the war. Photo: Gunnar Bratthammer / news – We may have turned to this, but I am afraid all the time. Something can happen at any time, says Viktor. He has no idea when a possible order for a counter-offensive will come, but he is certain that something will happen. – We are soldiers. Our task is to follow the orders we receive, says Viktor. Viktor gets space for all his food on a small shelf. Photo: Gunnar Bratthammer / news The president is convinced that they will succeed When the Ukrainian president met with news and other Nordic media last week, he too was aware that a Ukrainian offensive was coming. – It will be an offensive. It will be a success, answered Volodymyr Zelenskyj to questions from SVT. Furthermore, Zelenskyj said that Ukraine sees that the Russian forces are getting smaller and weaker every day, and that they have started to shift their focus to the defense lines.
