The two-month-old baby Lewis from Hamar was infected with corona – received life-saving first aid – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Little Lewis lay white and lifeless in front of his mother. Shortly before, she had noticed that her two-month-old son had strange pauses in his breathing. The mother called the hospital in Elverum, and was recommended to come in for observation. But before the family could go inside, the son stopped breathing completely. “White, lifeless baby on the living room table, wearing only a nappy” Saturday 4 November was dramatic for Anette Havn Borgen and Daniel Nordby. They had become the parents of two twin boys on 31 August. Lewis was suddenly found lifeless in the living room. He didn’t react when Dad kicked him hard on the foot, which would normally have provoked a scream. The boy was just as quiet. Vesle Lewis, 2 months old, was saved by his father Daniel Nordby, with good help from 113. Photo: Frode Meskau / news The parents called 113, and received guidance from health personnel on the other end of the phone. Pat on the back, lay on the side, and finally the message: “Find a hard surface and start compressions!” They swept off the living room table, tore off the boy’s clothes and did as they were told. Heart compressions and inhalations for five eternal minutes, followed by the best sound parents in this situation can experience: Baby crying! Infected with corona Just after Anette and Daniel received signs of life from their son, the paramedics came running in. “Now you have just saved your son’s life,” said the ambulance worker, patting Daniel on the back. Father and son were then taken to hospital. On the way, Lewis again stopped breathing. The ambulance was stopped while the doctor gave the baby CPR on highway 3. Once at the hospital, the doctor ran into the intensive care unit with Lewis in his arms. There was a whole team ready. At the hospital, it was established that Lewis was infected with corona, and that there was nothing else wrong with him. – It is absolutely fantastic. Then we realized that he had survived, but it’s also a bit shocking, that corona can knock someone out so badly, says his mother Anette. How to give first aid to a child 1. Sign to life? Check whether the child reacts to the charge and/or gentle shaking. 2. If there is no reaction: Call for help Call 1-1-3 Turn on the loudspeaker function on the mobile phone Follow the instructions from AMK If you are alone: ​​Give CPR for 1 minute or 5 loops before calling 1-1-3 3. Open the airway and check breathing Try to open the airway. If you can’t do it, turn the child on his back first. Check if the child is breathing normally (no gasping movements). Look, listen and feel for normal breathing for up to 10 seconds. If the child breathes normally for 1 minute: Place the child in a side-lying position and monitor the breathing closely. 4. Give 5 breaths if the child is not breathing normally or stops breathing. 5. Start CPR with 30 chest compressions and 2 breaths (30:2) 6. If you are still alone after 1 minute or 5 loops: Get help! 7. Continue CPR until help arrives (Source: Norwegian Resuscitatjonsråd, NRR) Urges vaccination Lars Tveiten is the head of the neonatal intensive care unit at the hospital in Elverum, and he confirms that it is probably thanks to life-saving first aid from the parents that Lewis is now alive. – They did everything right and probably saved the child, so it’s fantastic, says Tveiten. – It could have gone seriously wrong, he says. He emphasizes that it is rare for infants to react so strongly to corona, as Lewis did. But also that he is concerned about the level of vaccination in society. On Thursday this week, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health stated in its weekly report that the covid-19 infection is increasing. – A further increase is expected in the coming weeks. It is therefore urgent to get the elderly and people in risk groups vaccinated, writes FHI in the summary for the report from weeks 43 and 44. FHI asks hospitals and municipalities to be prepared for more admissions with covid-19. The risk of children becoming seriously ill from covid-19 is very low, FHI writes on its website, which they also confirm in an email to news. In contrast, FHI writes in the e-mail that all infectious diseases can in some cases cause serious illness in some individuals. – The smallest children have small airways, and infections more often lead to hospitalisation, both because they can be caught by the infection, eat poorly and become dehydrated, and to a greater extent may need treatment and breathing assistance of various kinds. This is written by senior doctor Margrethe Greve-Isdahl, who is a specialist in children’s diseases and head of the children’s vaccination programme. Better and better day by day Lewis is getting better every day and the parents are very grateful to everyone involved. But Lewis has a twin brother, Leon, who was born with a heart defect. Leon has lived in the hospital since he was born, and is still there. That is why parents are extra careful, and ask everyone to respect the corona virus. – Consider that there are those who are ill too. For example, our second son. It is not certain that he would have managed this very well, says Anette. Daniel Nordby and Anette Havn Borgen became parents to Leon and Lewis two months ago. Leon has a heart defect and is still in hospital. Photo: Frode Meskau / news Daniel has published a post on Facebook in which he asks that corona be taken into account: “The point of sharing this story is for people to show respect for covid. Not everyone can stand it! We do not hope in any possible way that anyone experiences the same as we have. It went quickly from 100% healthy to 100% bad baby. We are extremely happy that things went well and that we reacted quickly. And a million thanks to the ambulance in Hamar, as well as Elverum hospital.”
