The two accused after the Oslo shooting are remanded in custody for four weeks – Latest news – news

3 February 2023 at 16:42 The two accused after the Oslo shooting are remanded in custody for four weeks The two accused after the Oslo shooting are remanded in custody for four weeks with a ban on letters and visits, this is revealed in a ruling from the Oslo District Court on Friday afternoon. The two men in their 20s are charged with attempted murder after two men in their 30s and 40s were shot. The incident took place on an open street in central Oslo. The motive for the shooting is currently unknown. The police are investigating whether it may be linked to a long-standing conflict in Oslo’s criminal underworld. The two accused are associated with the MC club Satudarah. The two victims are leaders in the criminal gang Young Guns. The two men fled to Italy after the shooting at the National Theatre. On Thursday afternoon, they landed at Gardermoen, guarded by plainclothes police.
