The twins who died lived at the Fossum collective – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– Our thoughts go first and foremost to the closest relatives who are going through the worst that can be experienced. The incident with the tragic outcome affects us all, and we are deeply saddened in the Fossum collective, says Mona Spakmo, general manager of the Fossum collective. The twin sisters Mina Alexandra and Mille Andrea Hjalmarsen (16) were found lifeless at an address in Spydeberg on the night of Sunday 8 January. The police suspect that the girls died of an overdose. The two 16-year-olds were reported missing from the Fossum collective about a day before they were found dead. The Fossum collective is a non-profit foundation that has run drug treatment for young people since 1983. – Since we were made aware of what had happened on the night of Sunday 8 January, our main task has been to look after relatives, young people and employees in the best possible way. We do this in close dialogue with municipalities, the National Bureau of Statistics, the occupational health service and all the expertise we have internally and around us. We also cooperate with the police and supervisory authorities, says Spakmo. The emergency services found three teenage girls with a possible overdose at an address in Spydeberg. Two of the girls died. Photo: Freddie Larsen Takes in young people who struggle with drugs The Fossum collective has several departments for young people under 18 years of age. Fossum ung has four different locations in Indre Østfold and Skiptvet. They accept young people who have challenges with substance abuse and cognitive or mental health challenges. – The Fossum collective’s own review of the course of events so far indicates that all applicable routines and procedures were followed, says board chair Sylvia Brustad – We will nevertheless evaluate the course of events when such tragic events occur, and of course await the police investigation and the supervisory authorities’ investigations before we will decide on if there is a need for adjustments to these. In the departments for young people, the number of men is higher and there are special requirements for the competence of the employees. – This is a police matter under investigation and we are subject to strict confidentiality. We cannot say anything more about the course of events or go into details at this time, says Spakmo. Two men charged Two men have been charged following the deaths. A man in his late 20s is charged with negligent homicide, while an 18-year-old man is charged with having left the twins in a helpless state. None of the accused plead guilty. They have both been detained for four weeks. The two twin girls will be buried on 25 January in Askim church at 10.30am. In the obituary, the family writes that just as dear as flowers is a donation to Fossum young.
