The Tver river in Alta digs towards the houses – the area is checked for quick clay – news Troms and Finnmark

– In the spring, this river is quite brutal. With the heat we have had in recent days, we have had a very high water flow, notes Ivar Nilsen, who lives at Tørrfossen in Alta. – Nature doesn’t ask, it just takes. The family of eight was evacuated on the night of Monday from the place where a landslide occurred around midnight. Two neighboring houses also had to be abandoned. Nilsen and his family have lived on the site for 20 years. He has tried to document the development along the watercourse closest to the house. – The river takes little by little; it’s only a matter of time, then it will become more and more dramatic as time goes by. The flood-sized cross river with snow-covered peaks in the background is a favorite photo motif in Alta. But nature is not just idyllic for the nearest neighbours. Photo: Kai Erik Bull / news Quick clay in Alta Nilsen has fresh memories of the tragedy at Gjerdrum and a dramatic quick clay landslide at Kråknes in Alta. – In recent years, the breeds have become larger, which I have registered. – I try to follow where the races are going, and to get pictures taken. I have sent the pictures to both NVE and the municipality, he says. He has not received an answer from any of them, he says. – Now I see that NVE was here a few days ago. The concern is that I haven’t heard anything from them when things are raging and raging. When does it stop, and when do they do something? At the same time, it is good that they are addressing it now, says Nilsen. He tells of a growing concern – which over the years he has deliberately failed to involve the children in. – They have only known that it is safe and nice. Ivar Nilsen and his family were evacuated after there was a landslide close to the home on the night of Monday. Photo: Alf Harald Martinsen / news The flood washes out It was long-awaited good weather that accelerated the snowmelt and gave the Tverrelva extra muscle. The heat continues on Tuesday, and it is unclear when the flood will subside. Anders Bjordal is a senior engineer at NVE and follows the river’s subversive activities. – It becomes more unstable when it gets so steep. When the flood washes away the fine matter in the river, it is ready for the next landslide. How far up it goes is the question, he says. Bjordal fears that there could be even more landslides at the site as the water flow in the river is expected to rise during the night. Bjordal does not think there is quick clay in the ground at Tørrfossen. A geotechnical drilling rig is on its way, and during Tuesday they will know more. Planning protection Quick clay or not – constant landslides pose a risk anyway: – It can be dangerous for those who stay outside the houses, says Bjordal. – What we envision now is to at least start the planning of a security measure, an erosion protection at the bottom of the slope. There is good news for the family of Ivar Nilsen. He estimates that the distance between the house and the edge of the cliff is now down to 20–30 metres. – In the long term, the river eats more and more. Without measures being taken, the concern will be there, he says. According to the plan, the slope towards the Tverrelva is to be secured, says NVE. Photo: Kai Erik Bull / news
