The trick horse “Iver” is in Tre nötter til Askepott – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The dream horse “Iver” plays the horse of the prince himself in the film Three Nuts to Cinderella, which had its cinema debut last year. A role that requires discipline, obedience and a book full of tricks. “Iver” content is also frequently shared on social media. On Instagram, he and matmor have 235,000 followers, as well as 82,000 on TikTok. Matilde Brandt on film set together with Astrid Smedplass on the horse “Holteblå” and Cengiz Al on “Iver”. Photo: Screenshot/Instagram “Iver” is not just any horse. He is said to be able to do over 40 tricks on command, which is probably the reason why he has gained a large following on social media and a film role. Horse or dog Mother Matilde Brandt says that “Iver” has a slightly different training routine than most horses. – I perhaps behave more as if “Iver” is a dog than a horse. He’s just a bit of a big dog. There are not many horses that can do as much as “Iver”. Brandt reveals how he learned so many tricks. – I use the principles behind clicker training and positive reinforcement which are common in dog training. For “Eagerness” the reward is “good” and a carrot. We have a comical consumption of carrots. For a bit of pride and a carrot, “Iver” can sit and give paws, stand, park, back up, kneel and perform yoga positions, says Brandt. – I don’t always remember all the tricks on the fly. Sometimes I am reminded of “Iver”. He remembers better than me. Sit. Photo: Veslemøy Prøis / news Smile. Photo: Veslemøy Prøis / news Ligge. Photo: Veslemøy Prøis / news Bukke. Photo: Veslemøy Prøis / news After initially saying no to the role, Brandt says that the production company was looking for the Norwegian breed of dhole horse – of which there are few in Norway. At first she turned down the role on “Iver’s” behalf. – I was asked if we could go to Lithuania to shoot a film there and then I said no – that’s out of the question. “Eagerness” is rewarded with carrots and praise for each trick performed. Photo: Veslemøy Prøis / news But when it became known to Brandt what kind of film it was, she quickly turned around. – Three Nuts for Cinderella has been my favorite film since childhood, so we wanted to be there anyway. Although some of the scenes were filmed in Lithuania, we did not make it there. All the scenes with horses were filmed in Norway. Reveals film tricks Cengiz Al, who plays the prince in Cinderella, had little or no horse experience before filming. In the film, you still see Al at full gallop on horseback several times throughout the film. Cengiz Al with his horse Iver during the recording. Photo: Storm Films / Nordisk Film Distribusjon But a little film trick is necessary once in a while. Many people feel the Christmas spirit tingling in the last scene where the prince and Cinderella gallop together into the sunset. Matilde can reveal that it was herself who rode “Iver” here. Matilde Brandt in the prince’s costume during filming. Photo: Private – It was a series of coincidences that made it happen. I had to dye my hair black and it happened to match the prince’s costume which is otherwise worn by Cengiz Al. It was a childhood dream come true. – Pleasant surprise Director Cecilie Mosli says it was an experience to work with “Iver”. She herself had a horse as a child, and says it was difficult to stay away from the horses during the recording. – It was fantastic to work with “Iver” and matron Matilde. They were extremely dedicated. We, who were not supposed to have anything to do with the horses, unfortunately had to stay away during the recording, she says. CREM DEL A CREM: Director Cecilie Mosli brags about both “Iver” and matron Matilde. She says the whole experience was “crem del a crem”. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news When “Iver” got the role in the film, Mosli did not know that she had hired a real celebrity. – That “Iver” is so big on social media came as a pleasant surprise. We weren’t looking for a celebrity horse, but we got one, says Mosli. The favorite scene “Eagerness” can be seen in many scenes during the film as the prince’s constant companion. The favorite scene is still ready. – At one point, Cinderella says that you have to play as a team with the horse, not force them. I think that is a fantastic message for children and young people all over the country, says Brandt. Although “Iver” is very intelligent, it is not always easy to have animals on film shoots. – There is sometimes a bit of chaos if the horse poops in the middle of the recording or makes a grimace, but mostly it went very well. There are currently no new film plans in sight for “Iver”. Matmor has had enough of refurbishing the stables on the farm in Andebu, which she and the flock moved to in June this year. – Vestfold is absolutely fantastic. We all have a great time together, concludes Brandt.
