The trial starts on Tuesday – Greater Oslo

In 2016, the former TV dancer received a historic sentence of 21 years in custody, including for assaulting 18 women. In August, he asked for parole. By then he had served the minimum term of ten years. The trial begins on Tuesday. Three days have been set aside in Ringerike, Asker and Bærum District Court. – When it comes to the sentencing progression and the background for the petition, we will come back to that in court on Tuesday, says defender Heidi Reisvang to NTB. An enormous burden for the victims Trine Rjukan was the legal representative for many of the victims when the case was heard in court last time. Legal aid attorney Trine Rjukan believes that it is a great burden for the victims that Kopseng is asking for parole. Photo: NTB She believes the case poses an enormous psychological burden for the women he has been convicted of raping. – They are of the opinion that he will never change, and that he will therefore potentially always pose a great danger to all women he comes into contact with, she tells NTB. In 2016, VG wrote that the police believed Kopseng was the most active serial rapist in Norwegian history. A total of 38 women from around the country reported the dancer for rape. Believes Kopseng has psychopathic traits Borgarting Court of Appeal sentenced Kopseng to detention for the abuses. They believed that the risk of recurrence was high, and that there were gloomy forecasts for a possible change in behaviour. “Below, it is shown that the presence of both dyssocial and psychopathic features makes him little available for treatment”, argued the Court of Appeal. In addition to the custodial sentence, Kopseng was sentenced to pay more than NOK 2.7 million in compensation to the women. Facts about Julio Kopseng and the rape cases Former dancer on TV, artist and stripper. 38 years old. From Oslo. Convicted in 2013 for two rapes. The judgments are final. Sentenced in 2015 to twelve years in custody, with a minimum term of eight years, in two other and extensive cases. Kopseng appealed, and the appeal cases came together for consideration in the Borgarting Court of Appeal since 19 January this year. The indictment included the rape of 16 women, one attempted rape and gross mistreatment of a former roommate. On 12 April, the jury found him guilty on all counts, including the mistreatment and attempted rape. The prosecutor, state attorney Guro Hansson Bull, has submitted a request for 21 years’ detention in the Court of Appeal. In the Oslo district court, she submitted a request for 15 years’ detention, with a minimum term of ten years. Julio Kopseng has been reported by a total of 37 women, and as of 12 April 2016 was a suspect in three further rape cases. On 26 May 2016, Kopseng was sentenced to 21 years in prison in the Borgarting Court of Appeal. The judgment in the Court of Appeal is a consolidated judgment for the two appeal cases that are being processed now and the final judgment from 2013. Source: NTB
