The treetop road in Fyresdal is a success – Magnus is happy to be in the forest – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– It is not difficult to notice that Magnus is happy to go on a trip here, says companion Elise Lauvrak. Five-year-old Magnus Nedrebø Halvorsen likes to get out into nature and meet people. Now he can also roll up high and look out over the treetops in Fyresdal. The new hiking trail of just over a kilometer winds its way upwards, giving everyone the opportunity to see the spectacular view. – It is fantastic. It’s easy to roll here, says Elise Lauvrak. The Tretopveien in Fyresdal makes it possible for everyone to get up high and enjoy the view. Photo: VISIT TELEMARK Price tag of NOK 20 million The price tag is just over NOK 20 million. The small municipality in Telemark with 1,300 inhabitants has contributed NOK 7.5 million. Many were skeptical when they saw the crazy plans and costs, says forestry manager in Fyresdal, Aslak Momrak-Haugan. Many were skeptical at the start, but when people go here today, they are very impressed and see that we have achieved something unique, says forestry manager in Fyresdal, Aslak Momrak-Haugen. Photo: ROALD MARKER / news – It has become even better than it looked when the project was designed, he says. The aim is to attract more customers to the shops and tourists to the village. It has done that. Already in June, tourist traffic increased. – There are a multitude of people here all the time. 95 percent of them are visitors that we do not know about. We are delighted, says Momrak-Haugan. The shop in the village has had a 20 per cent increase in turnover in the last four weeks, says shop manager Linda Aas. It does something to a village to have such an attraction. It’s absolutely certain, says shop operator Linda Aas in Fyresdal. Photo: ROALD MARKER / news – Tretopveien is noticeable here. Very good of the municipality to spend so much money and invest in the way they have done. We are very happy about that, says Aas. Price tag of NOK 20 million The tourists come from all over southern Norway, also from abroad, according to the municipality. They have received good marketing help: Visit Norway has put the tretopveien on its list of places you must visit this summer. Those news meets on the tretoppveien are impressed. Tretopveien has in a short time become a popular offer that attracts tourists to the small municipality in Telemark. Photo: VISIT TELEMARK – Incredibly well organised. It can’t get any better, says Jan Erik Bjelland from Grimstad, who is in a wheelchair. Many describe it as a spectacular and wonderful nature experience. – I have looked at the building, and it is a real masterpiece, says Trond Sætre. – We can see the fjords and the trees. It was very impressive, say Bennie van der Berg and Ans Kolkman from the Netherlands. – We can see the fjords and the trees. It was very impressive, say Bennie van der Berg and Ans Kolkman. Photo: ROALD MARKER / news The municipality has emphasized that the offer should be free. But they are also not allowed to charge an entrance fee because it is a state-secured outdoor area, points out the forestry manager. – Here it shouldn’t cost money, here people should enjoy themselves for free. We will keep at it, he says. – Unique in Norway The Norwegian Handikapforbund believes that the tretoppveien is a unique attraction in Norway. – This is particularly unique in Norway. There is the Stovnertårnet in Oslo, which is the same height, but a quarter of the length. There are offers that are similar, but at ground level, says deputy chairperson of the Norwegian Handikapforbund, Magnhild Sørbotten. – It is extremely important to be able to participate in the same leisure activities as others. Here they have managed to think of everyone, says deputy chair of the Norwegian Association for the Disabled, Margit Sørbotten. She praises that the project is for everyone. – We think this is fantastic. There are more than enough tourist attractions that are not accessible to everyone. Here, everyone can take part in the whole experience, says Sørbotten.
