The top bosses of Meta, TikTok and X in Congress – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– I’m tired of talking and I’m tired of these discussions. That’s what US Senator Lindsey Graham said at the end of the Senate hearing in Congress on Wednesday. It lasted for nearly four hours. Both senators and a large group of relatives had turned up. Directors from the largest social media had to answer what they are doing to protect especially the youngest users against, among other things, sexual exploitation. Meta director Mark Zuckerberg was one of those present. Directors from X/Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok and Discord were also present. They are to blame for not doing enough to protect children from exploitation and abuse online. From left: Discord CEO Jason Citron, Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel, TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew, X CEO Linda Yaccarino and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg take the oath during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. Photo: Manuel Balce Ceneta / AP – Zuckerberg, you and the companies in front of us, I know they don’t mean it, but they have blood on your hands, said Senator Graham. Later, the Republican senator said that Zuckerberg through Meta has created “a product that kills people”. Zuckerberg had to apologize. One of the charges is that social media has today become a place where children experience sexual abuse, bullying and encouragement to self-harm and eating disorders. The White House itself says that it has been proven that the platforms have been destructive to the mental health of young people. Relatives of young people who have been targeted for exploitation online appeared in Congress on Wednesday. Photo: Jose Luis Magana / AP During the hearing, the relatives present showed a strong presence, and reacted to the posts with both laughter, applause and frustrated sighs. Several held up pictures of their children, which they have lost as a result of content and exploitation on social media. Among the victims mentioned was Chase Nasca. In 2022, the 16-year-old took his own life after watching over a thousand videos about violence and suicide on TikTok. At one point, Senator Josh Hawley asks Zuckerberg to apologize to the families for what they have experienced. Here Zuckerberg turns around and apologizes to the families in the assembly. Photo: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI / AFP Zuckerberg stood up and turned to the audience: – I’m sorry for everything they’ve been through. No one should ever have to go through the things they experienced. – That is why we are investing so much, and that we will continue to do everything we can to prevent others from experiencing what they have had to experience. Drugs were also a topic during the hearing. The head of the company Snap, Evan Spiegel, apologized to the families of children who have died after it bought drugs on Snapchat. – I am sorry that we have not been able to prevent these tragedies. He emphasized that they have done a lot to protect young users, and to monitor drug-related content. Sexualized content of children In particular, the spotlight was placed on the sexual exploitation that takes place on social media, in addition to sexual content. – We did not allow any sexual content, for anyone, Zuckerberg said during the hearing. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg had to respond to harsh criticism of social media on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / AFP Senator Mike Lee asked how the Meta director himself thinks this is going, a question that was met with laughter and applause from the audience, according to the BBC, which was present during the hearing. Zuckerberg said that 99 percent of content is removed using AI, adding that Meta is the industry leader in this area. Senator Ted Cruz, the Meta boss, pressed that Instagram comes with warnings that the picture contains sexual abuse of children, but that you can still see them if you allow it in your settings. – Mr. Zuckerberg, what the hell were you thinking?, Cruz asked. To that he replied that it is sometimes actually helpful to redirect users to other resources, rather than blocking content. Zuckerberg added that he will personally investigate this issue. Senator Ted Cruz refers to warnings from Instagram that the content shows sexual abuse of children, but that one can see the picture regardless. Photo: NATHAN HOWARD / Reuters Large increase in sexual exploitation During the hearing, a dramatic increase in material on social media showing sexual abuse of children was shown. According to the US National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the number of identified children who have been sexually abused has risen from 2,172 to over 21,413 in 13 years. These figures only apply to the USA. From 2012 to 2022, the number of messages about the sexual exploitation of children sent to national channels will have increased from 415,650 to 32 million. – This disturbing growth in the exploitation of children is driven by one thing: Change in technology, said the leader of the hearing, Dick Durbin. Durbin also said that social media has given abusers new tools to exploit children. Broad criticism Sjefane in the biggest social media companies got to ride in the hearing on Wednesday. Despite the fact that the criticism came from several parties in Congress, they have not been able to come together on proposals for the regulation of these platforms. – These companies have created products that have a bright side, but they also have a dark side that is too big to live with, said Senator Graham. The Republican added that until these companies are actually sued for the damage they have done, there will be no change.
