The Tengs decision comes on Monday – Latest news – news

13 October 2022 at 14:38 The Tengs decision comes on Monday On Monday it will become clear whether the prosecution will bring charges against the man charged with the murder of Birgitte Tengs in 1995. The accused’s defense attorney confirmed this to NTB on Thursday afternoon. It was on 1 September last year that the man from Haugalandet in Rogaland was arrested, charged with having killed 17-year-old Birgitte Tengs on Karmøy in May 1995. The man has been in custody since he was arrested. It later emerged that the police had found DNA on the tights of Birgitte Tengs, which they believe links the 51-year-old to the murder. Sør-Rogaland district court has previously written in a detention order that the find matches the male gender marker from the accused. The case is currently scheduled to start on either 31 October or 14 November in Haugaland and Sunnhordland district court in Haugesund courthouse.
