The teachers’ strike is underway – these three are the only ones on strike – news Vestland

On Wednesday morning, three employees at Olsvik school in Bergen meet outside the school. With them they have a full coffee pot and cooler, and with it the start of this year’s teacher strike. Currently, only these three, which are part of the National Association of Schools, are on strike for teachers in Norway. – We are three good comrades and we have a high will to strike. The T-shirts are on, the vests are ready and the banner has been hung up, says teacher Joakim Haugen. After the wage settlement in May, the teachers announced a strike throughout the country, with the exception of Oslo. In the capital, they have their own settlement, where they managed to reach an agreement. Formally, the Education Association flatly voted in favor of the solution that was presented. It prevented a major strike now. The national association of schools, as the only one in LO municipality, and the Norwegian Association of Lecturers also said no to the mediator’s proposal. The academics, on the other hand, said yes. “Symbolic” strike Leader of the National Association of Schools, Mette Johnsen Walker, explains that they are going on strike because they have not received the wage increase they want. – We do not accept that the development of lower wages continues at a time when the prices of electricity, fuel and food are skyrocketing. According to Haugen in Bergen, the National Association of Schools has not been on strike since 2014. Now he is ready to strike through the summer. READY TO STRIKE FOR A LONG TIME: Joakim Haugen in Bergen is ready to strike through the summer. Photo: Brynjar Mangor Myrtveit Osgjerd / news – It may be difficult to get a breakthrough for anything when you are so few. But a small tow can overturn a large load. What I hope for is to send a signal that we will not settle for the crumbs that are left over, says Haugen. That only three people have been taken out on strike, union leader Walker calls a “symbolic act”. At the same time, their entire union election apparatus will also cancel all meetings. – We try to avoid too great consequences for third parties. Then we will see when the school starts up again, says Walker. TAKE OUT THREE: Mette Johnsen Walker, leader of the National Association of Schools, says they have so far only taken out three people in Bergen. Photo: The National Association of Schools Believes KS is unreasonable The Norwegian Teachers’ Association has also announced a strike from today, but goes for what is called a zero withdrawal. They have decided that no one will go on strike before the summer holidays. – We have to take that conflict over the summer holidays. The central board is working on the plan for what will happen. Exactly how we will make it clear before the summer holidays, says leader of the Norwegian Lecturers’ Association, Helle Christin Nyhus. She adds that they perceive that the Municipalities’ interest organization, KS, does not value knowledge and education and does little to retain employees. – We experience that KS has been so unreasonable in this collective bargaining agreement. Our associate professors are far below the front subject and will probably not see real wage growth either, she says. STRIKE VEST: At Olsvik school in Bergen, Joakim Haugen is on strike, when the teachers’ strike starts. Photo: Brynjar Mangor Myrtveit Osgjerd / news Utdanningsforbundet awaits strike Utdanningsforbundet has also announced a teachers’ strike, but will not start the strike today. In the same way as the National Association of Schools, they have also announced a first withdrawal in Bergen. The Education Association is not required to start the strike before 22 June. This is the date on which the parties must notify the Ombudsman whether they accept the sketch or not. It is already clear that the association says no to the sketch. – What we have clarified so far is that 40 teachers who are members of the Education Association at Gimle uppveksttun in Bergen will go on strike now before the summer holidays. It will happen once in a while from and including 8 to 22 June, says leader of the Education Association, Steffen Handal. WAITING: The Education Association does not start the strike today. They have announced that 40 teachers in Bergen will be taken out before the summer holidays. Photo: Cornelius Poppe / NTB He adds that there may be more strikers in the long run. – Having many teachers on strike during a summer holiday has little to offer. Everyone understands that. I will probably not surprise anyone if I reveal that there will be an escalation of the strike after the summer holidays. How this will happen, the association must notify KS, with four days’ notice.
