The teachers are gearing up for a strike – a big gap between KS and the Education Confederation in the salary settlement – news Trøndelag

– We have made a plan. I cannot reveal where, when and how many people will be affected by a strike. But it is only natural to imagine that an escalation will take place in connection with the start of school, says Steffen Handal, head of the Swedish Education Association. In short, the dispute is about pay. The National Association of Schools, the Norwegian Association of Lecturers and the Education Association did not agree with the Central Association of Municipalities (KS) during the salary settlement in May. Since then there has been a standstill in the negotiations. – The money has been used up, says Director of Labor at KS Tor Arne Gangsø – Of course there is money, replies Handal. The education association’s leader Steffen Handal believes that when all teachers’ organizations react by going on strike, employers must ask themselves the question: Have we really failed so badly? Photo: Stig Weston / Uddanningsforbundet KS: Uncertain about the basis for the strike KS has both employer and negotiation responsibilities. But negotiator Tor Arne Gangsø says he is simply unsure of the grounds for the teachers’ strike. – They claim that teachers have had poor salary development over time. But in our tariff system, “teachers” are everything from kindergarten teachers to teachers with a master’s degree. And, for example, teachers with a three-year education have had a relatively good salary development, while they claim that lecturers have had the worst salary development. So this is very unclear to us. Who exactly are they striking for? Joakim Haugen is one of the teachers in Bergen who has been on strike since 8 June. He calls the statement from KS strange. – It is the typical arrogance that I feel, that we should not complain. I started as a teacher six years ago and we probably haven’t had a good settlement since 2014. If I had known this before I became a teacher, I might have reconsidered my career choice. Handal in the Swedish Education Association says he finds Gangsø’s statement completely incomprehensible. – This has been spelled out both in connection with the mediation, and not least afterwards. If he hasn’t got the grounds for the strike, we have big problems. Then we have an employer who simply does not understand his counterpart. – But you can explain to us the grounds for the strike, can you? – We are struggling to recruit and retain teachers. KS has made the teachers wage losers for the sixth year in a row. This is a policy that drives people out of the teaching profession. It also does not help to recruit teachers, as we saw most recently in this year’s number of applicants for teacher training courses. It is very serious that we have an employer who does not know how to manage this important profession. I would call it completely hopeless. Are they striking for lecturers who have come out the best in terms of kroner, but the worst in terms of percentage, or are there other parts of the teaching staff? wonders KS’ negotiating leader Tor Arne Gangsø. Photo: Photographer Johnny Syversen – Not a strike just for those with the longest education Gangsø in KS says they only have one collective agreement for all employees, whether it’s a social worker, a skilled worker or a teacher. – We have now concluded a collective agreement with 37 out of 40 trade unions in the municipal sector. So we are essentially locked. The newly qualified teachers received a boost in this year’s settlement, and many believe that the unions will only prioritize those with the longest education and longest seniority. Handal in the Education Association emphasizes that they are organizing teachers in the entire school system, and that the problems apply to the entire school system. – It is those with the longest education and longest seniority who have had the worst salary development. But this is a strike for all the teachers in the school. Joakim Haugen is a teacher at Olsvik School in Bergen and a trustee in the National Association of Schools. He says it has been tiring to be so few on strike, and is looking forward to the strike being stepped up. Photo: Brynjar Mangor Myrtveit Osgjerd / news Hoping for many new ones on strike A week and a half before the start of school, the conflict seems rather locked. – Everyone should prepare for a teachers’ strike at the start of school. But I have the phone on 24/7, so if Gangsø wants to talk, he can just pick up the line, says Handal. – We cannot do more when we have entered into a collective agreement with almost all employees in the municipal sector. The money has been used up. The agreements have been concluded, says negotiator Gangsø. Joakim Haugen, who is already on strike in Bergen, says he is very much looking forward to there being more force and strength in the strike. – I am very proud of myself and the other two who have been on strike duty since 8 June and until the holidays. Now we are very ready to become even more. We are just waiting for instructions.
